The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

above principalities and dominions in the power of their
own strength? No! We are seated in heavenly places in
the power of God's might (Eph. 1:20-22; 6:10).
Look at Ephesians 1:22 in the American Standard
Version. I Want you to see a truth in this verse.

EPHESIANS 1:22 (American Standard
UNDER HIS [Jesus'] FEET, and gave him to be
head over all things to the church.
This scripture is saying that all things—whether it's
Satan, principalities, powers, thrones, or dominions—
they are all under subjection to the Lord Jesus Christ.
And because we are in Christ, evil spirits are subject to
us in Jesus' Name.
How many things did God put under Jesus' feet? All
things! That includes Satan, demons, evil spirits, sin,
sickness, poverty, and disease. We are Christ's body on
the earth, so that means all things have been put under
our feet too.
Is God going to put all things under Jesus' feet and
therefore under our feet? No, that's future tense. God
"hath put all things under his feet" (1 Cor. 15:27; Eph.
1:22). That's past tense. Satan is already under Jesus'
feet, so he's under our feet, too, because we're in Christ.
If Satan is under our feet that means he has no
authority over us—we have authority over him. Is that
something the believer has to try to attain to? No, it's
an accomplished fact because of the believer's joint-
seating with Christ.
If believers really understood what that means,
Satan would never be able to lord it over them again.
And if this truth ever dawns on the Church, they will

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