The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Wisdom of God

But when you understand that Satan is dethroned,
you know war has already been declared on the devil,
and the victory has been won by the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ arose the Victor! So just take your position
of joint-seating with Christ in His victory over the devil.
If Satan and his cohorts have been dethroned, then
why are the hosts of darkness ruling over so many
believers? Either believers don't know their authority in
Christ, or they aren't exercising their authority in
Satan will keep on ruling people in the world who
aren't saved, of course, because they don't know any
better. But if believers will preach the gospel to
unsaved folks, they'll get saved and come out from
under Satan's dominion.
The Church is to preach the good news to every
creature and tell them that they don't have to be
dominated by the devil anymore. That's how we are to
"wage war" on the devil! When people get ahold of the
good news in Christ and are born again, Satan won't be
able to rule over them anymore. That is how believers
are to put Satan's kingdom to nought and reduce it to

The Authority in the Name of Jesus
The key to our glorious inheritance and our
authority over the Powers of darkness is the Name of
Jesus. Believers have authority over the devil in the
Name of Jesus, not in themselves. But I think even Full
Gospel folks have almost thought the Name of Jesus is
just to be used like a magic charm one wears to ward off
evil forces or something. Believers haven't really
understood what they possess in their inheritance

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