The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Wisdom of God

We are talking about the riches of our inheritance in
Christ. The Bible says we have been translated out of
the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God's
dear Son (Col. 1:13). Therefore, our inheritance includes
the fact that the works of darkness have no legal
authority or dominion over us.
Paul wrote to the believers at Rome, saying, "For
sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not
under the law, but under grace" (Rom. 6:14). In a sense,
sin and Satan are synonymous terms. Therefore, we
could read this verse, "Satan shall not have dominion
over you."
Another translation reads, "Sin shall not lord it over
you." You could read it: "Satan shall not lord it over
Why can't Satan lord it over believers? Because he's
not our lord, and he's been put under our feet! Jesus is
our Lord and the Head of the Church, not Satan.
Jesus is the only One who is to have dominion over
us! He is the One who rules us, not only corporately as
the Body of Christ, but individually as well.
For example, if symptoms of distress and deficiency
of any kind from the enemy try to attack my body or
mind, I just say, "Oh, no you don't, Satan. You can't put
that on me. Jesus has dominion over you. Jesus is My
Healer and My Deliverer. He is not the destroyer.
"Jesus is the Life-Giver, and He is my Lord. Satan,
you are not my lord, and you can't triumph over me. I
refuse to accept or permit anything that belongs to you.
You can't bring me depression, oppression, sickness, or
disease. I refuse to permit it in Jesus' Name."
When I take my stand against Satan in Jesus' Name
using my rightful authority, the enemy can't bring me

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