The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

here, and they are going to stay here until Adam's lease
on this earth runs out. That's why it is so important for
believers to stand in their victory and partake of the
table of the Lord's provision, because those evil spirits
will be here to try to hinder us, tempt us, and keep us
from receiving God's best in life.
But right in the presence of our enemies—demons
and evil spirits—God has prepared a table of abundant
provision—the riches of the glory of His inheritance in
the saints—for every believer in the Body of Christ!
The reason many Christians are defeated in life is
that even though they are seated with Christ in
heavenly places at the table of the Lord's provision,
they aren't appropriating what belongs to them at that
table. All the riches of being in Christ are included at
the table of the Lord's provision.
Many believers are not even looking at the
provisions God has made for them in the Word. Instead
of looking at their rights and privileges in Christ,
including their authority over the devil, they are
looking at the enemy. Their focus in life is on the devil
and his works, not on Jesus and His finished work of
They are always talking about devils, demons, and
demonic activity instead of the riches of God's abundant
grace and the "all spiritual blessings" that belong to
them in Christ. They're not standing in the finished
work of the Cross as the triumphant Church, reigning
in life through Jesus Christ.
No, just forget about looking at the enemy. Don't
keep your eyes focused on him. Yes, demons and evil
spirit are here; we don't deny their presence. But, thank
God, God has prepared a table of abundant provision
before us in the midst of them all.

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