The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

focus on the riches of our inheritance in Christ and the
rights and privileges that legally belong to us as a
result of being in Him. Appropriate for yourself the
riches of being in Him. Focus on your heavenly position
in Christ where we are seated far above all powers and
principalities and all the evil works of the enemy.
It is true that we were the defeated, conquered ones
before we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior. Before
we knew Jesus, we were ruled over by Satan. We didn't
know Satan and all his demons were defeated and
dethroned by the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

Reigning in Life
Because of Jesus' victory over Satan at the Cross,
instead of being defeated, conquered, and ruled over,
now in Christ we reign as kings in this life here in this
world. Because we are in Christ, Satan is under our
feet. Before we served as slaves to Satan and spiritual
death, but now we reign in life through Jesus Christ.
This is part of the riches of our inheritance in Christ.

17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by
one; much more they which receive abundance
of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall
Does this sound like a Church that is being ruled
over and dominated by demons and evil spirits? No!
When does the Bible say we will reign over Satan and
his evil schemes against us? In the sweet by and by?
When we all get to Heaven? No, believers reign as kings
in the realm of life now. We who are born again have
become new creatures in Christ Jesus, and we are now
the victorious ones, not the defeated ones. We are the
triumphant church, not the defeated Church.

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