The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

over in life and causes me to succeed because I'm giving
place to God and the power of His Word, not to the
Christians are defeated because they believe
"greater is he that is in the world than He that is in
me." They have it backwards in their thinking. Then
they go to confessing that.
Many are defeated in life because they have a
negative confession; they're always talking on the
negative side of things, and that opens a door to the
devil in their life.
They're always telling what they're not and what
they don't have and about their weaknesses, failures,
and lack. Invariably they go down to the level of their
If you believe and confess that the devil's power is
greater than God's power, Satan will defeat you. But if
you stand your ground in your blood-bought rights in
Christ and confess that, you will rise to the level of your
confession and inheritance.
What a change would take place in your life if you
stood your ground on the Word of God against every
attack of the enemy in every test or trial! What a
change would take place if you maintained a positive
confession in Christ so you give no ground to the devil
in your life!
Then you would rise to the level of your confession—
you would take your rightful place in Christ and you
would be able to possess what Christ has already
wrought for you. You would take your rightful place as
the triumphant Church of the Lord Jesus Christ over
all the power of the devil.

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