The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1

Chapter 8

8 Spiritual Warfare: Are You Wrestling or Resting?..

Spiritual warfare is a subject some Christians are
overemphasizing today in a way that is not in line with
the Word of God. Actually, some of what is being taught
in the Body of Christ in this area of spiritual warfare
and demonology is scripturally in error. That's why it
would benefit us to study the Word to see how to deal
scripturally with Satan and his strategies.
Many believers become fearful if you talk about the
devil, demons, and evil spirits and their activities.
Many people seem to think it would be better not to
ever mention the devil or evil spirits. But if you don't
teach believers scripturally from the Word of God how
to deal with the devil, the enemy will just run rampant
and hold high carnival in their lives because they won't
know their scriptural authority.

11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for
we are not ignorant of his devices.
We need to know our enemy. The Bible says we are
not to be ignorant of Satan's devices. Satan has not
changed the least bit in the world. The devil is the same
old devil he has always been, and he uses the same
tactics he has always used. He is the same devil Paul
had to deal with when he penned these words that we
aren't to be ignorant of his devices. And one of Satan's
devices is to get people off into the extreme, even in the

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