The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Spiritual Warfare: Are You Wrestling or Resting?

darts with the shield of faith in God's Word.
Then you also need to use the shield of faith in your
everyday life against the devil because you need to stay
in faith on a daily basis, not just while you're praying.
You need to think faith thoughts and speak faith words
continually so you don't give the devil a place in you. If
you stay in the arena of faith in the promises of God,
you will be able to stand against Satan and put him on
the run.

The Sword of the Spirit
What about the sword of the Spirit? Did you ever
stop to think about it? Every part of the armor is
protective or defensive, except one, and that is the
sword of the Spirit. The sword of the Spirit—the Word
of God—is the only part of the armor you fight Satan
You don't fight Satan with the helmet; it protects
you. You don't fight Satan with the shield of faith or the
girdle of truth; they protect you. You don't fight Satan
with your breastplate of righteousness or shoes of
peace; they protect you. But you do fight Satan with the
Word of God—the sword of the Spirit. It is the only
offensive weapon the Bible mentions.
What is the scriptural way to deal with these forces
of darkness? It's with the sword of the Spirit. How did
Jesus deal with the devil in His earthly ministry?
For one thing, Jesus never went looking for the devil
to do spiritual combat with him. Yes, the Bible says
that Jesus was tempted by the devil (Luke 4:1,2). But
when Satan tempted Jesus to oppose Him from bringing
redemption to mankind, Jesus did not groan against the
devil for three hours or try to pull down Satan's

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