Spiritual Warfare: Are You Wrestling or Resting?
fellowshipping with God the Father, but on "battling"
the devil and wicked spirits in heavenly places. So
Satan, not God, becomes the focus of our spiritual
attention and activities.
The whole idea behind "warring tongues" is that
these tongues are a way to "plow through" the demon
spirits that infest the heavenlies above the earth. It's
true that evil spirits are up there in the heavenlies. But
people who are teaching others to pray in warring
tongues are trying to use fleshly weapons to try to do a
spiritual job.
The teaching of warring tongues ignores the biblical
emphasis of tongues and the finished work of the Cross
of Calvary. The Apostle Paul wrote that when the
Christian speaks in tongues he is speaking mysteries
unto God (1 Cor. 14:2), and he is magnifying God (Acts
10:46). The Bible also says the believer is edifying
himself when he prays in tongues (1 Cor. 14:4; Jude 20).
And God sometimes speaks to man through the
spiritual gift of diversity of tongues (1 Cor. 12:28).
These are the biblical uses of the gift of tongues.
Ignoring the biblical use of tongues, this teaching on
"warring tongues" strives to make speaking in tongues
something that is done against the devil instead of unto
God. And it takes the believer's focus away from God to
focus on the devil.
Thank God for praying with other tongues. But don't
waste your time praying in tongues trying to defeat an
already defeated foe. Instead yield to the Holy Ghost,
and let Him use you as you pray in tongues to be a
blessing to humanity. That is the most effective way to
gain ground for God and do great damage to the devil's
kingdom of darkness.
You see, in principle nowhere in the Bible are we