The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

given locality.
I can drive through a city and know what spirits
predominate there, not because of any spiritual gifts
operating in my life, but just by spiritual perception.
Every Christian should have enough spiritual
perception about them to discern what spirits
predominate in a given locality. Sometimes there are
predominately immoral or occult spirits, or spirits
promoting foreign religions. Small towns, not just large
cities, can have spiritual strongholds or spirits ruling
over them too.
The evil spirits that dominate a city will try to get
into the local churches if there are people in the church
who will yield to them and let them in.

Spirits in the Church
My wife and I were visiting in a certain town once,
and the pastor in that town wanted me to preach in his
church. I was in the field ministry at the time teaching
the Word. He kept asking me to hold a meeting in his
Finally, I told him I wasn't going to do it. I explained
I didn't want to preach in that town unless God
definitely told me to. You see, in that city the people
prided themselves on being conservative; actually, they
were so conservative in the area of giving that they
were stingy. The same spirits that predominate in a city
will get into the church if believers let them.
I told the pastor that the town was full of reserved,
conservative people, motivated and influenced by stingy
devils and demons. I told him those demons had gotten
into his church and that the people wouldn't support me
if I went there. His eyes got big and his mouth fell open.

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