The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and Satan's dominion
over the lives of the lost begins to be weakened. That's
how we deliver people out of the bondage of the enemy.
When we pray for those in authority in the cities and
nations of the world, we weaken the effectiveness of
Satan's kingdom in those cities and nations. When we
pray, God can have His way in those countries instead
of Satan.
I am well satisfied that the changes we have
witnessed in the Eastern Bloc nations have occurred
because many believers throughout the world prayed
scripturally for these nations by the prompting of the
Holy Spirit.
As Christians, we have the authority in Jesus' Name
to bind the power of the devil over the political scene of
a nation. We have the right to demand that Satan take
his hands off the government and the economic and
social scene of a nation. We can bind every foul spirit
that is affecting these areas and command them to stop
in their maneuvers and cease and desist in their actions
against us (Matt. 18:18; John 14:13,14).
Satan's strategies against us on the earth can be
stopped in every encounter, and God's purposes can be
fulfilled, as Christians stand in their place of authority
in Christ on behalf of the nations of the world by
praying for those in authority.
Therefore, let's put first things first so God, not
Satan, can have dominion in our city or nation. Before
you pray for your family, pray first for those in
authority, so that "... we may lead a quiet and
peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" (1 Tim. 2:2).
This is one way we can keep Satan from taking
advantage of us, “... for we are not ignorant of his
devices” (2 Cor. 2:11).

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