The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Rightly Dividing Man: Spirit, Soul, and Body

access—spirit, soul, or body.
You see, much of what is being called the "devil" or
demonic activity in the church world today is not demon
activity at all. It's man's unregenerated soul and flesh
dominating his recreated spirit. When the believer
understands that, he will readily be able to determine
what is and what is not demonic activity and undergird
his soul to stand strong against the enemy's attacks.

17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, HE
[his spirit—the man on the inside] is A NEW
CREATURE: old things are passed away;
behold, all things are become new.
You need to understand that it's not the outward
man—man's body—that becomes a new creature. It's
the inward man—man's spirit—that becomes a new
creature in Christ. If you had red hair before you were
born again, you have red hair after you are born again.
If you were bald headed before you were saved, you are
still bald headed.
The outward man doesn't change in the new birth,
and neither does the soul of man—his mind, will, and
emotions. Only the man on the inside changes. Old
things are passed away and all things are become new
in man's recreated spirit when he's born again, not in
his soul or body.
Because all things have not become new in your
body or soul in the new birth, that means you still have
your outward man to deal with. As long as you are in
your body, you will have the desires of the fleshly carnal
nature and the unredeemed soul to control. And that is
the realm where Satan tries to gain access to man.

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