The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

experiences aren't rooted in God's Word, they are being
deceived. God's Word is the only standard for judging
any doctrine or practice.
Actually, the word "deliverance" has been
overemphasized and overplayed in the Body of Christ.
By overemphasizing deliverance, some well-meaning
Christians have left the impression that "deliverance"
just means deliverance from demons.
Deliverance does include deliverance from demons,
but it actually covers a much wider range than just
demons, because our redemption covers a far broader
range than just deliverance from demons. Thank God,
we are delivered from sin, sickness, bad habits,
bondages, and the like. Thank God, through Jesus
Christ we can be delivered from anything that tries to
bind us by the power of the Word and the Holy Spirit.
We will have problems anytime we overemphasize a
scriptural truth. Yes, we are delivered from demons,
but that is not all we are delivered from. Actually,
whenever we preach the gospel and people are born
again, they are delivered because they are delivered
from the power of darkness and translated into the
Kingdom of light (Col. 1:13).
Some folks think deliverance is just going through
some kind of ritual, screaming at demons and trying to
get free, but it isn't. True deliverance already belongs to
you. And you don't need to run to a "deliverance"
minister to get it either! Just appropriate the power of
God's Word for yourself.
I believe some folks who have gone to the extreme
on the so-called deliverance ministry are thoroughly
honest and sincere people. They have many good
characteristics. But I believe they are sincerely wrong.
How can I say that? Because I have been in the same

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