The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Is the Deliverance Ministry Scriptural?

demons out of people just because someone else did or
because you think you should. You need to be led and
directed by the Holy Spirit. And, of course, believers can
stand against the devil for themselves too.
I sometimes tell about the fellow who came by our
offices years go when my son-in-law, Buddy Harrison,
worked for us. Buddy asked the man, "Well, how are
you doing today?" This Full Gospel preacher answered,
"Oh, just fine. I've already cast seventeen demons out of
myself this morning!"
That's pushing the demon issue too far! You see,
with some of these folks, everything that's wrong is
directly caused by a devil or demon. They forget about
dealing with the flesh. They forget about the power in
the Word of God. They talk more about the devil than
they do about God, and they magnify the devil more
than they do Jesus and the finished work of the Cross.
That's how they get into the ditch on one side of the
road and give Satan access to them.
None of these excesses are new. I've been in the
ministry many years, and I have observed that these
errors run in cycles. Back in the late '40s and '50s in the
days of The Voice of Healing, we had an outbreak of this
same excessive deliverance teaching we have today.
Then we had another outbreak of extremes and
excesses in the deliverance ministry in the '70s.
And now I am seeing the third outbreak of it since I
began my ministry almost sixty years ago. This
teaching will surface every so often and then die out
because it isn't scriptural and it doesn't work. I'm
against extreme teaching and extreme practices in any

'Deliverance' in the Days of The

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