The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Is the Deliverance Ministry Scriptural?

the Spirit of God manifests Himself. If people yield to
the Holy Spirit, He will demonstrate Himself and God
will be glorified.

Physical Manifestations Are Not
Necessary in Deliverance
Another extreme deliverance teaching in our day is
that the devil has to manifest himself in order to be cast
out. Some people are always wanting to see
manifestations. Some believers seem to be more
interested in demonic manifestations than they are in
Holy Ghost manifestations!
Some ministers teach as doctrine that people must
cough or vomit or have some other kind of physical
manifestation in order to get rid of a demon. People
think that’s new, but we had an outbreak of that in the
days of The Voice of Healing too. As I said, these errors
and deceptions seem to run in cycles because Satan is
the same old deceiver he’s always been.
Don’t misunderstand me. There may be occasions
when a demon will manifest itself when it leaves
someone. For example, the Bible says a demon
manifested itself as it came out of a child who had a
dumb spirit: “And the spirit cried, and rent him sore,
and came out of him ...” (Mark 9:26).
However, when Jesus appeared to me in the vision
in 1952, He specifically said to me, “In dealing with the
devil, don’t ever tell anyone to cough or vomit up a
demon. Expelling a demon through coughing or
vomiting may happen occasionally. If it does, fine. But
don’t you ever tell anyone to put on any kind of a
physical manifestation in order to get delivered of an
evil spirit. If you tell people that some physical

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