The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Rightly Dividing Man: Spirit, Soul, and Body

body and soul are the same.

The Soul of Man
JAMES 1:21
21 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and
superfluity of naughtiness, and receive
with meekness the engrafted word, which
is able to SAVE YOUR SOULS.
The Book of James also makes a distinction between
the soul and the spirit of man. Also, notice that our
spirits are saved or recreated, but in this verse we see
that our souls are not saved in the new birth.
You see, James wrote this epistle to Christians—to
people whose spirits had already been recreated when
they were born again. But here James told these born-
again believers that their souls weren't born again yet.
Why aren't our souls saved when we are born again?
Because the new birth is a spiritual birth. It's not an
intellectual birth—a rebirth of man's mind. It's not a
soulish birth—a rebirth of man's soul and emotions.
And it's not a physical birth—a rebirth of man's body.
The new birth is only a rebirth of man's spirit; it's
not a mental or a physical experience. The baptism in
the Holy Spirit isn't a physical or a mental experience
either. They are both spiritual experiences which
eventually affect the physical and mental realms of
Although the believer's spirit is recreated in the new
birth, he will have to do something about his soul
himself. If he doesn't do something with his soul, he will
give the enemy access to his life.

The Saving of the Soul

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