The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

This woman wasn't demon possessed, because she
was a Christian. But she had yielded to an evil spirit,
and that demon accommodated her and was
manifesting itself through her flesh. Because she
accepted this extreme doctrine that every believer has
demons, she'd become demon-conscious and had opened
a door for the devil to manifest himself through her
When this woman was delivered, she was so
grateful. She came back to our services later, and she
was still completely delivered.
Here's something else I want you to see. To get that
woman delivered, I didn't have to yell at the devil for
hours. You won't find any scripture in the Bible where
Jesus yelled at the devil for hours, or where it took Him
days to cast the devil out of anyone. He cast out demons
with His Word. His Word!
You need to be careful where you go to be ministered
to. Don't get involved in meetings where people want to
see the devil manifesting himself through physical
demonstrations. And don't go to places where ministers
teach that every Christian has a devil that needs to be
cast out.
I don't care who the minister is, if he tells you that
you have to carry on and demonstrate in the flesh in
order to get delivered, don't listen to him! If you start
putting on a physical demonstration by coughing and
vomiting to try to get delivered, you might get a devil!

Don't Build Doctrine on Experiences
Actually, in all my years of ministry, only three
times has there ever been a physical manifestation like
vomiting or coughing when a demon left a person. One

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