The Devil or the Flesh?
put on the love of God on our outward man, Satan can
have a heyday in our lives through our flesh.
Anger—Flesh, Not 'the Irish,' And
Not the Devil
I heard one fellow talking about his grandpa. With
the least little provocation, his grandpa would fly off the
handle and go into a rage. This man's grandfather
always used the excuse, "Well, that's just the Irish in
me." No, it wasn't "the Irish" in him. It was the flesh!
26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun
go down upon your wrath.
According to Ephesians 4:26, putting off the old man
and putting on the new man is a choice: "Be ye angry,
and sin not...." That means if you get angry about
something, you don't have to let your flesh take over.
You don't have to lose control of your temper. You have
a choice. You don't have to give in to the dictates of your
fleshly, carnal nature.
If you let the flesh dominate you, you can get out of
control and do and say things you'll regret later on.
Many people want to blame the devil when they lose
control and go into a rage or a fit of anger. But they're
just giving in to their flesh and letting it dominate
them. And by not keeping their flesh in check, they are
opening a door to the devil.
Some folks think you can get so "sanctified" that you
won't ever have any more problems with the flesh or
Satan. But the only way you won't have problems with
the flesh or Satan is to die and leave this world!
A fellow came to me one time after one of my