- Organic matter feeds plants through nutrient exchange
and through nutrient release upon its decomposition. - It is a continual slow-release source of nutrients for
plants. - Organic acids in humus help dissolve minerals in the
soil, making the mineral nutrients available to plants.
Organic acids also increase the permeability of plant
root membranes and therefore promote the plant roots’
uptake of water and nutrients. - Organic matter is the energy source for the soil’s
microbial life-forms, which are an integral part of soil
health. In 1 gram of humus-rich soil there are several
billion bacteria, 1 million fungi, 10 to 20 million
actinomycetes, and 800,000 algae. - The microbes that feed on organic matter in the soil
temporarily bind the soil particles together. The fungi,
with their threadlike mycelia, are especially important.
They literally sew the soil together. The microbes
secrete compounds into the soil as they live, metabolize,
and ultimately decompose. Their secretions are a
bacterial glue (polysaccharides) that holds soil particles,
thus improving the soil’s structure. Structure is vital to
soil productivity because it ensures good aeration, good
drainage, good water retention, and erosion resistance. - Organic matter is the key to soil structure, keeping it
safe from severe erosion and keeping it in an open,
porous condition for good water and air penetration.