How to Grow More Vegetables

(Brent) #1

“crystallization,” from which one can predict whether or
not plants will be good companions. In this technique,
part of a plant is ground up and mixed with a chemical
solution. After the solution dries, a crystalline pattern
remains. Di5erent plants have distinct, representative
patterns. When 2 plant solutions are mixed, the patterns
increase, decrease, or stay the same in strength and
regularity. Sometimes both patterns improve, indicating
a reciprocal, benecial in'uence. Or both patterns may
deteriorate in a reciprocal negative reaction. One pattern
may improve while another deteriorates, indicating a
one-sided advantage. Both patterns may remain the
same, indicating no particular companion advantage or
disadvantage. And one plant pattern may increase or
decrease in quality while the other undergoes no change.
Two plants that su5er a decrease in quality on a 1 to 1
basis may show an increase in strength in a 1:10 ratio.

Spacing for better companions—Using GROW
BIOINTENSIVE spacing with the plant leaves barely
touching allows good companions to be better friends.

All-around benecial in'uence—Certain plants benet
the entire plant community. These plants and their
characteristics are:^1

  • Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis): Creates a beneficial
    atmosphere around itself and attracts bees. Part of the
    mint family.

  • Marjoram (Origanum majorana): Has a “beneficial

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