How to Grow More Vegetables

(Brent) #1

needed, if the soil does not already contain these
Year 2: The growing of a compost crop interplanted
mixture (see Ecology Action’s Self-Teaching Mini-Series
Booklet 14) of legumes (broadcasted vetch and a sown
cold-weather fava bean) with transplanted cold-weather
grains (a di5erent grain from the one grown in Year 1,
and cereal rye). The vetch and fava bean crops are
removed when they are at 10% to 50% 'ower, and the
entire grain crop is harvested when it is mature. In
addition, we try to grow a quick-maturing 60+-day
“catch crop” after the grain harvest whenever possible.
Fast-maturing bean varieties are examples of this. Or an
immature compost crop, such as pearl millet, may be
grown at this point.
Additional years: The same cycling as Year 1 and Year
2 above, with a different grain being used with cereal rye
in each succeeding cycle.

Another 2-Year Rotation

Immature grain /legume combination for crop biodiversity and
nitrogen in crop biomass & nodules

Mature grain for calories & immature legume combination for
nitrogen in crop biomass & nodules
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