How to Grow More Vegetables

(Brent) #1

Fennel Plant away from gardens; disliked by most plants

Flax Companion to carrots and potatoes; deters potato bugs;improves growth and flavor

Garlic Plant near roses and raspberries; deters Japanesebeetles; improves growth and health

Henbit General insect repellent

Horseradish Plant at the corners of a potato patch to deter potatobugs

Hyssop Deters cabbage moths; companion to cabbage andgrapes; keep away from radishes


An edible weed; allow to grow in moderate amounts,
especially with corn

Lemon balm Distribute throughout the garden

Lovage Improves flavor and health of plants if planted here andthere


A workhorse among pest deterrents; plant throughout
the garden; discourages Mexican bean beetles,
nematodes, and other insects

Marjoram Plant here and there; improves flavor

Mint Companion to cabbage and tomatoes; improves healthand flavor; deters white cabbage moths

Mole plant Deters moles and mice if planted here and there


Companion to radishes, cabbage, and cucurbits^11 ;
plant under fruit trees; deters aphids, squash bugs, and
striped pumpkin beetles; improves growth and flavor

Peppermint Planted among cabbages to repel white cabbagebutterflies

Petunia Protects beans

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