were usually three to six feet wide and of varying
Between the 1920s and the 1930s, Alan Chadwick, an
Englishman, combined the biodynamic and French
intensive techniques into the biodynamic/French
intensive method. The United States was Erst exposed to
the combination when Mr. Chadwick brought the
method to the four-acre organic Student Garden at the
University of California’s Santa Cruz campus in the
1960s. Chadwick, a horticultural genius as well as an
avid dramatist and artist, had been gardening for half a
century. He had studied under Rudolf Steiner, the French
gardeners, and as a gardener for the Union of South
Africa. The site he developed at Santa Cruz was on the
side of a hill with poor soil with high clay content. Only
poison oak grew well in this area. Chadwick and his
apprentices removed the poison oak with pickaxes and
created a rich soil in two to three years by hand. A true
Garden of Eden grew from Chadwick’s vision and hard
work. Barren soil was made fertile through extensive use
of compost, with its life-giving humus. The humus
produced a healthy soil that grew healthy plants less
susceptible to disease and insect attacks. The many
nuances of the biodynamic/French intensive method—
such as transplanting seedlings into a better soil each
time a plant is moved and sowing by the phases of the
moon—were also used. The results were beautiful
Nowers with exquisite fragrances and tasty vegetables of
high quality.