How to Grow More Vegetables

(Brent) #1

development and testing process. Any modi3cations
which make it less strong could be dangerous for the
user. Currently we are trying to 3nd a good durable
design for a U-bar with detachable handles so it can be
more easily transported. We also believe that the mini-
greenhouse can be improved upon to make
interchangeable panels 3t into a single structure, rather
than two. Your suggestions can help us with this ongoing
design process.


Deep soil preparation is of great importance in the
biodynamic/French intensive method. Traditionally, the
soil is loosened to a depth of 2 feet with a spade and
spading fork in a process called the double-dig. The 3rst
time a plot of ground is worked, the double-dig can take
anywhere from 2 to 6 hours per 100-square-foot raised
bed, depending on the soil's condition and the skill of
the practitioner. After the ground has been double-dug
and cropped once, it generally takes about 2 hours
thereafter to double-dig and shape a raised bed using a
spade and fork.
There is a less time-consuming and less tiring way to
prepare a raised bed while deeply aerating the soil.
Once we have initially double-dug our beds, we often
use a U-bar for subsequent cultivation in our test beds.
Since the U-bar tines do not dig quite as deeply and do
not aerate the soil as much as a double-dig with spade

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