much to grow for an entire family.
- Jeavons, John, J. Mogador Griffin, and Robin Leler.
The Backyard Homestead, Mini-Farm and Garden Log
Book. Willits, CA: Ecology Action, 1983. 224 pp. A
handbook for everyday use in developing greater self-
sufficiency in a backyard homestead or in actually
earning an income from a small farm. There is
material covering tools and crop testing, as well as
calendars, graphs, charts, and plenty of space for
record keeping. It also includes information on
creating your own self-fertilizing herbal lawns. - Roberts, Hugh, ed. Intensive Food Production on a
Human Scale: Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on Small Scale and Intensive Food
Production. Willits, CA: Ecology Action, 1982. 224 pp.
The result of a gathering of 100 people representing
projects in 16 countries. - ———. Proceedings of the Soil, Food, and People
Conference. Willits, CA: Ecology Action, 2001, 180 pp.
The result of a gathering of 276 people from 26
countries focusing on the role of Biointensive food
raising in the new century. - Shepard, Michael, and John Jeavons. Appropriate
Agriculture. Menlo Park, CA: Intermediate Technology,
1977. 14 pp. Paper given by Peter N. Gillingham at
the “Small Is Beautiful” conference, featuring Dr. E. F.
Schumacher, at the University of California at Davis.