making an income in as little as 3,300 square hundred
square feet at intermediate-level yields.
- Cucumber Bonanza. Booklet 1. 1979. 24 pp. Takes
cucumbers as an example of a crop history and goes
through 7 years of work, bringing the 1973 yield of
140 pounds of marketable cucumbers per 100 square
feet to over 400 pounds in 1979. An excellent
introduction to mini-farming and the variables that can
be examined in obtaining improved yields. (Also
available in Spanish.)
- Cultivating Our Garden. A detailed article on GROW
BIOINTENSIVE methods. 4 pp. (Also available in
Spanish, Russian, Arabic, and Japanese.)
- Designing a GROW BIOINTENSIVE® Sustainable Mini-
Farm—A Working Paper. Booklet 31. 2003. 45 pp.
- Dried, Cut, and Edible Flowers for Pleasure, Food, and
Income. Booklet 18. 1990. 61 pp. (Also available in
- An Ecology Action Reading Guide. Booklet 20. 1989.
36 pp. Design your own curriculum.
- Ecology Action’s Comprehensive Definition of
Sustainability. Booklet 24. 2005. 4 pp. (Also available
in Spanish.)
- Examining the Tropics: A Small-Scale Approach to
Sustainable Agriculture. Booklet 11. 1982. 31 pp.
(Also available in Spanish.)
- Foliar Feeding. Booklet 16. 1987. 9 pp. (Also available
in Spanish.)