syrp hid flies, insect/p est control with
Tachinid flies, 7.1, 7.2
white flies, comp anion p lanting to control
Flowering tobacco for white fly control
in garden p lanning
Master Chart for sp acing
40-bed design
French marigold for nematode control
Fukuoka food raising
Fully exp erienced gardeners
Gandhi, M.
Gardening Without Poisons (Hunter), 7.1
Garden p lans
starter garden p lan with 2 beds
sustainable, diet design for
for temp erate climate garden
The Garden Seed Inventory (Whealy), 5.1
for ap hid control
comp anion p lanting with, 6.1, 6.2
comp ost efficiency and
transp lanting seedlings
p roblems, causes of
of weeds
Glenn, Ed, 2.1, ap p 3.1