Encyclopedia of Biology

(Ron) #1

germination 146
gestalt 146
g-factor Seeelectron
paramagnetic resonance
Giardia lamblia(giardiasis)
26, 279
gibberellins 146
giemsa stain 146
Giemsa/Trypsin stain 67
gigantism 146
gill 146
gill slit 146
gizzard 146
glaciation (glaciers) 37, 146,
gland 146–147
glaucoma 147
glial cell 147–148, 150
glial growth factor 148
glioblastoma multiform 148
glomerulus 49, 148, 148
Glossinidae 330
glowworms 130
glucagon 148
glucocorticoid 148
glucose 148–149, 149
glutathione 186
gluten intolerance (gluten
enteropathy) 57
glycerophospholipid 266
glycocalyx 149
glycogen 82–83, 149
glycolysis 149,149, 220
glycoprotein (conjugated
protein) 150
glycosaminoglycan (GAG) 8
GnRH (gonadotropin
releasing hormone) 151
goblet cells 327
gold drugs 150
Golgi, Camillo 150
Golgi apparatus 58, 60,
gonadotropin releasing
hormone (GnRH) 151
gonadotropins 151, 268
gonads 151
Gondwanaland (Gondwana)
151, 259
GPP (gross primary
productivity) 152,
G protein 151
graded potential 151
gradualism 151
gradual metamorphosis 174
grafting 151
Grammia virginiensis(tiger
moth) 24
Gram-negative bacteria 33,
Gram-positive bacteria 33,

Gram staining 107, 151
granular leukocyte
leukocyte) 272
leukocyte) 272
granulocyte colony-
stimulating factor (G-CSF)
76, 153
colony-stimulating factor
(GM-CSF) 76
granum 151–152
graptolites 160
gravid 152
gravitropism 152
Greek letters used 152
greenhouse effect 27–28, 52,
gross primary productivity
(GPP) 152,242–243
ground meristem 152
ground tissue system 152
growth factor 152–153
guanylate cyclase 153
guard cell 153
Gullstrand, Allvar 153
guttation 153
Gymnophiona (Apoda)
gymnosperm (conifer) 19,
26, 80–81,81, 154
gynandromorphism 154
gypsy moth (Lymantra
dispar)158, 201

Haber-Weiss reaction 155
habitat isolation 274
habituation 155
Haeckel, Ernst 155
Haeckelian recapitulation
(embryonic recapitulation)
Haemagogus capricorni 353
hagfishes 6
half-life 155, 284
half-reaction 288
Hall, James 259
haloperoxidase 155
halophyte 155
hansch analysis 155–156
haploid cell 156
haplostele 314
haplozoans 156
hapten 156
hapto 156
hardacid 156
hard base 156
harddrug 156
Hardy, G. H. 156
Hardy-Weinberg theorem 156

harelip (cleft lip) 156
Harrison, Betty 68
haustorium 156–157
Haversian system (osteon)
hay fever 77–79, 271, 285
HDL (high-density
lipoprotein) 64, 207
head 50
heart 84, 108, 134, 157,157,
heart catheterization 84,
133–134, 295
heat 157
heat cycle (estrous cycle) 119
heath hen 157
heat-shock proteins (HSPs)
hectare 157
helium 159
helix 159, 291
Helmholz, Hermann von 342
helminth 159
helper T cell (T4 cell; CD4
cell) 72, 159, 322
hematology 107
heme 159
hemerythrin 159
hemichordates 159–160, 340
hemochromatosis 160
hemocyanin 160
hemoglobin 160, 160
hemoglobin SC disease 307
hemoglobin sickle
betathalassemia 307
hemoglobin SS 307
hemolymph 160
hemolysis 48
hemophilia 160
hemorrhagic fever 293
hemorrhoids (piles) 160
Hench, Philip Showalter
hepatic artery 161
hepatic portal vessel 161
Hepatophyta (liverworts) 50
heptose 226
herb 161
herbivore 161
heredity Seegenetics
hermaphrodite 161
hernia 161
Herodotus 161, 233
Hess, Walter Rudolf 161
heterochromatin 119, 161
heterochrony 162
heterocyst 162
heteroecious 162
heterogamy 162
heterokaryotic 96
heterolysis (heterolytic
cleavage, heterolytic
fission) 162
heteromorphic 162

Heteroptera 162
heteroreceptor 162
heterosexual 162
heterosis 162
heterosporous 162
heterothermic regulation 325
heterotrophic organisms 32,
heterozygote 162
heterozygote advantage
(overdominance) 162–163
heterozygous 163
Hexactinellida 260
Heymans, Corneille Jean-
François 163
HGH (human growth factor,
somatotropin) 153
hiatal hernia 161
hibernation 163,325, 326
high-density lipoprotein
(HDL) 64, 207
high-potential iron-sulfur
protein (HiPIP) 164
high resolution banding 67
high-spin Seelow-spin
Hill, Archibald Vivian
163–164, 220
hill topping 164
hilum 164
hirudin 164
histamine 89, 164
histology 164
histone 164, 251
histones 66
The History II(Herodotus)
HIV (human
immunodeficiency virus) 7,
8,71, 72, 150
HLA (human leucocyte
antigens) 212
Hodgkin, Jonathan 270
holoblastic cleavage 164
holocene 164
holoenzyme 164
holotype 164
homeobox (HOX genes) 164
homeosis 165
homeostasis 165
homeothermic 165
homeotic gene 164, 165
hominoids 165
homogamy 165
homokaryotic 96
homologous chromosomes
homologous structures 165
homologue 165, 270
homology 23, 165
homolysis (homolytic cleavage,
homolytic fission) 165
homonomy (serial homology)
homoplasy 165

390 Index
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