Keto Comfort Foods

(sharon) #1

Remove the bacon and drippings to a bowl and set

  1. Place the butter in the same saucepan and cook
    over high heat for about 5 minutes, whisking. The
    butter will start to sizzle and foam up. Watch for brown
    (but not black!) flecks; when they begin to appear,
    lower the heat. While whisking, slowly add the broth,
    then add the onions and bay leaf. Bring to a boil and
    allow to boil for 5 minutes. (Note: If using coconut oil
    instead of butter, put the oil, broth, onions, and bay leaf
    in the pan at the same time and boil for 5 minutes.)

  2. Meanwhile, prepare the collards: Remove and
    discard the ribs and stems. Coarsely chop the collard

  3. Stir the greens, cream, garlic, vinegar, salt, and
    pepper into the broth mixture. Boil for 10 minutes or
    until the greens are tender. Stir in the reserved bacon
    and drippings and serve.

  4. Store extras in an airtight container in the
    refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in a saucepan over
    medium heat for a few minutes or until warmed

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