Keto Comfort Foods

(sharon) #1

The butter will start to sizzle and foam up. Watch for
brown (but not black!) flecks; when you start to see
them, remove the pan from the heat and whisk

  1. While whisking, slowly add the broth, cream
    cheese, and shredded cheese. Heat lightly, just until the
    cheese is melted. Add salt to taste. Remove from the
    heat, place in a blender, and blend until very smooth.
    Allow the sauce to cool a bit before serving.

  2. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Grease a 13 by 9-inch
    baking dish.

  3. Place the chicken thighs between 2 pieces of
    parchment paper and pound them to ¼-inch thickness.

  4. Sprinkle each piece of chicken on both sides with
    the pepper (salt isn’t needed because the ham and
    Parmesan cheese are salty enough). Place 1 slice of
    Swiss cheese and 1 slice of ham on top of each thigh.
    Roll up each thigh and secure with a toothpick. Place in
    a bowl, sprinkle the Parmesan cheese and Italian
    seasoning over the top, and turn to coat all sides of the
    chicken well.

  5. Heat the ghee in a large skillet over medium-high
    heat. Place the chicken rolls in the hot skillet and cook
    until browned on one side, about 4 minutes. Turn the
    chicken and cook for 2 more minutes, until golden

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