Keto Comfort Foods

(sharon) #1

¼ cup beef bone broth, homemade (here) or store-
½ teaspoon fine sea salt
¼ cup ghee or unsalted butter
¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese

beurre monte

¾ cup to 1½ cups (1½ to 3 sticks) unsalted butter

  1. Remove the lobster tails from the refrigerator and
    allow them to come to room temperature. Using a pair
    of kitchen shears, cut down the middle of the shell on
    the underside (concave side) of the tail. Pull the shell
    open along the sides to expose the meat, avoiding the
    spines (they can be sharp). Gently wriggle the meat
    from the shell.

  2. To make the risotto, whisk together the eggs,
    broth, and salt in a small bowl. In a medium-sized
    saucepan, melt the ghee over medium heat. Add the
    egg mixture to the pan and cook until the mixture
    thickens and small curds form, scraping the bottom of
    the pan and stirring to keep large curds from forming.
    (A whisk works well for this task.)

  3. Add the Parmesan cheese to the risotto and stir
    until well combined. Remove from the heat and transfer
    the risotto to a serving bowl.

  4. To find out how much butter you will need for

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