Keto Comfort Foods

(sharon) #1

Slow cooker (6-quart)

For: slow cooking over low heat over several hours

If you don’t have a lot of time for hands-on cooking, a slow
cooker is a great tool that can save you time and effort. You
can prep the ingredients the night before, turn it on before
you leave for work in the morning, and come home to a
wonderful home-cooked meal. A 4-quart slow cooker can
be handy for smaller quantities.

Double boiler

For: making and reheating sauces

A double boiler is a great tool for making sure you don’t
overheat sauces and cause them to separate or burn. I often
reheat my Easy Basil Hollandaise (here) in a double boiler.
But if you don’t have a double boiler, you can use a heat-
safe bowl set over a pot of simmering water. I even reheat
my hollandaise this way when we go camping.

Whipped cream canister

For: making sweetened whipped cream

This is definitely a frivolous gadget, but also one of the most
fun to use! I keep mine filled with heavy cream
presweetened with a keto sweetener (see here for the
suggested ratio) so I always have whipped cream at the
ready. The brand I use is iSi.

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