The Surpisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

(coco) #1

The challenge is that living the largest life possible requires you
not only to think big, but also to take the necessary actions to get
Extraordinary results require you to go small.
Getting your focus as small as possible simplifies your thinking
and crystallizes what you must do. No matter how big you can think,
when you know where you’re going and work backwards to what you
need to do to get there, you’ll always discover it begins with going
small. Years ago, I wanted an apple tree on our property. Turns out
you can’t buy a fully mature one. The only option I had was to buy a
small one and grow it. I could think big, but I had no choice but to
start small. So I did, and five years later we had apples. But because I
thought as big as I could, guess what? You got it. I didn’t just plant
one. Today—we have an orchard.
Your life is like this. You don’t get a fully mature one. You get a
small one and the opportunity to grow it—if you want to. Think small
and your life’s likely to stay small. Think big and your life has a
chance to grow big. The choice is yours. When you choose a big life,
by default, you’ll have to go small to get there. You must survey your
choices, narrow your options, line up your priorities, and do what
matters most. You must go small. You must find your ONE Thing.
There is no surefire thing, but there’s always something, ONE
Thing, that out of everything matters more than anything. I’m not
saying there will only be one thing, or even the same thing, forever.
I’m saying that at any moment in time there can be only ONE Thing,
and when that ONE Thing is in line with your purpose and sits atop
your priorities, it will be the most productive thing you can do to
launch you toward the best you can be.
Actions build on action. Habits build on habit. Success builds on
success. The right domino knocks down another and another and
another. So whenever you want extraordinary results, look for the
levered action that will start a domino run for you. Big lives ride the

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