The Surpisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

(coco) #1


1 .  Don’t  spread  your    willpower   too thin.   On  any given   day,    you
have a limited supply of willpower, so decide what matters and
reserve your willpower for it.
2 . Monitor your fuel gauge. Full-strength willpower requires a full
tank. Never let what matters most be compromised simply
because your brain was under-fueled. Eat right and regularly.
3 . Time your task. Do what matters most first each day when your
willpower is strongest. Maximum strength willpower means
maximum success.

Don’t fight your willpower. Build your days around how it works
and let it do its part to build your life. Willpower may not be on
willcall, but when you use it first on what matters most, you can
always count on it.

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