(Julius mpwage) #1

Why your vocabulary really does make a diference

  • There is a link between vocabulary and occupatonal success. A study by linguistcs and educaton

researcher Johnson O’Conner found that people who achieve high scores on vocabulary tests are
signifcantly more likely to obtain high-level positons in the workplace. This fnding stll applies when
gender, age, and level of schooling are controlled.[12] Even more interestng, vocabulary test performance
predicts success – it’s not just a byproduct of working in senior positons or encountering with educated

  • So, what’s going on here? In a nutshell, a strong vocabulary is the best foundaton for communicaton,

and communicaton is the startng point for success. When you have more words at your disposal, you are
in a beter positon to deliver exactly the right message. The richer your vocabulary, the more accomplished
you will become in communicatng nuanced ideas, and in understanding new lines of thought and reason.

  • Someone with a wide vocabulary can tailor their oral and writen communicaton to a range of

audiences, meaning that they can grow productve relatonships with others that allow them to fourish.
A wide vocabulary also allows you to absorb informaton from complex sources, which provides you with
the tools you need to improve your personal and professional skills. For example, if you are comfortable
reading and interpretng high-level textbooks, you are more likely to beneft from advanced educaton and
training than people who only recognize common everyday words.

  • When you are familiar with complex words, your reading speed will also improve, because you won’t have

to pause to defne a word. Obvious, right?

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