Player's handbook 5e pdf

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Crealures wilhin 5 feel of you provoke opporlunity
atlacks from you even if they lake lhe Disengage
action bdore leaving your reach.
When a crealure within 5 feet of you makes an attack
againsl a larget olheI' lhan you (and lhal largel doesn'l
have lhis feal), you can use your reaction lo make a
melee weapon attack against lhe attacking crealure.

Vou have maslered ranged weapons and can lllake
shols thal olhers lind impossible. Vou gain the
following benelits:
Attacking ai long range doesn'l impose disadvanlage
on your ranged weapon attack rolls.
Vour ranged weapon attacks ignore half cover and
lhree-quarlers cover.
Sdore you make an altack wilh a ranged weapon lhal
you are prolicienl wilh, you can choose lo take a-5
penally lo lhe attack roll. If the attack hils, you add +10
to lhe attack's damage.

Vou use shields notjust for proleclion bul also for
offense. Vou gain lhe following benelils while you are
wielding a shield:
Ifyou lake lhe Attack action on your lurn, you can use
a bonus aclion to lry to shove a crealure wilhin 5 feel
of you wilh your shield.
lfyou aren't incapacilated, you can add your shield's AC
bonus lo any Dexlerity saving lhrow you make against
a spell01'olheI' harmful effect lhat targets only you.
lf you are subjecled lo an effecl lhal allows you lo
make a Dexlerity saving lhruw lo take only half dam-
age, you ean use your reaclion lo lake no dalllage if
you succeed on lhe saving lhrow, interposing your
shield belween yourself and lhe source of lhe effecl.

Vou gain proliciency in any combinalion of three skills
01'lools ofyour choice.

Prerequisile: Dexlerily 13 OI'higher
Vou are expert al slinking lhrough shadows. Vougain
lhe following benelils:
Vou can try to hide when you are lighlly obscured
from the creature frum which you are hiding.
When you are hidden from a crealure and miss il with
a ranged weapon attack, making the attack doesn't
reveal your posilion.
Dilll light docsn'l impose disadvantage on your
Wisdom (Perceplion) checks relying on sighl.

Prerequisile: Thc abililylocasl aI leasl one spell
Vou have learned lechniques to enhance your
attacks wilh cerlain kinds of spells, gaining the
following benelils:


When you caSl a spell lhal requires you to make an
attack roll, lhe spell's range is doubled.
Vour ranged spell attacks ignore half cover and
lhree-quarters cover.
Vou Jearn one canlrip thal requires an attack roll.
Choose lhe canlrip from lhe bard, cJerie, druid, sor-
cerer,warlock, 01'wizard spelllisl. Vour spellcasting
abilily for lhis cantrip depends on lhe spelllist you
chose from: Charisma for bard, sorcerer, 01'warlock;
Wisdom for cJeric01'druid;01'lnlelligence for wizard.

Accuslomed to rough-and-lumble lighling using
whalever weapons happen lo be ai hand, you gain lhe
following benelils:
lncrease your Strenglh 01'Constilulion score by I,
to a maximum of 20.
Vou are prolicienl wilh improvised weapons and
unarmed slrikes.
Vour unarmed strike uses a d4 for damage.
When you hil a creature with an unarmed strike01'an
improvised weapon on your turn, you can use a bonus
action lOattempl to grapple the targel.

Vour hil point maximum increases by an amount equal
to lwiee your leveI when you gain lhis feal. Whenever
you gain a levei lhereafter, your hit point maximum
increases by an addilional 2 hil poinls.

Prerequisile: The abililylocasl aI leasl one spell
Vou have pracliced casting spells in the midst of
combal, learning lechniques lhal grant you the
following benelils:
Vou have advantage on Conslilulion saving lhrows
lhat you lllake lOmainlain your concenlralion on a
spell when you lake damage.
Vou can perform lhe somatie cOlllponenls of spells
even when you have weapons OI'a shield in one OI'
bolh hands.
When a hoslile crealure's movement provokes an
opportunily attack from you, you can use your reac-
lion lo casl a spell at lhe creature, ralheI' than making
an opporlunity altack. The spellmusl have a casling
time of 1 aclion and musl larget only lhal crealure.

Vou have pracliced extensively with a variely of
weapons, gaining lhe following benelils:
lncrease your Slrength OI'Dexlerily score by 1,lo a
maxilllum of 20.
Vougain proliciency wilh four weapons of your choiee.
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