Player's handbook 5e pdf

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
5th-leveI evocation
Casting Time: 1aclion
Range: 120 feel
Components: V,S, M(a small block of granile)
Duration: Concenlralion, up lO10minules
Anonmagical wall of solid slone springs inlo exislence
aI a poinl you choose wilhin range. The wa11is 6 inches
lhick and is composed of len lO-foOl-by-lO-foOIpanels.
Each panel musl be conliguous wilh alleasl one olher
pane!. AIlernatively. you can creale 10-foOl-by-20-fool
panels lhat are only 3 inches lhick.
Iflhe wall culs lhrough a crealure's space when il
appears, lhe crealure is pushed lo one side of lhe wa11
(your choice). lf a creature would be surrounded on a11
sides by lhe wa11(or lhe wa11and anolher solid surface),
lhal crealure can make a Dexlerity saving lhrow. On a
success, il can use ils reaclion lo move up lo ils speed so
lhat il is no longer enclosed by lhe wall.
The wall can have any shape you desire, lhough il
can'l occupy lhe same space as a crealure or objecl.
The wall doesn'l need lo be verlical or resl on any firm
foundalion. It musl. however, merge wilh and be solidly
supporled by exisling slone. Thus, you can use lhis spell
lo bridge a chasm or creale a ramp.
Ifyou creale a span grealer lhan 20 feel in lenglh, you
musl halve lhe size of each panello creale supporls.
Voucan crudely shape lhe walllo creale crenellalions,
balllemenls, and so on.
The wall is an objecl made ofstone that can be
damaged and lhus breached. Each panel has AC 15 and
30 hit points per inch of thickness. Reducing a panel
lo Ohit points destroys it and might cause connected
panels to collapse aI the DM's discrelion.
lf you maintain your concentralion on this spell for
its whole duralion, the wall becomes permanenl and
can't be dispelled. Olherwise, lhe wall disappears when
the spell ends.

6th-leveI conjuration
Casting Time: 1action
Range: 120 feel
Components: V,S, M(a handful of lhorns)
Duration: Concenlralion, up to 10 minules
Voucreale a wa11oflough, pliable. langled brush
brislling with needle-sharp lhorns. The wa11appears
within range on a solid surface and lasls for lhe
duralion. Vouchoose lOmake lhe wall up lo 60 feel
long, 10feel high, and 5 feellhick or a circle lhal has
a 20-fool diameler and is up lo 20 feel high and 5 feel
lhick. The wall blocks line of sighl.
When lhe wall appears, each crealure wilhin ils area
musl make a Dexlerily saving lhrow. On a failed save,
a crealure lakes 7d8 piercing damage, or half as much
damage on a successful save.
Acrealure can move lhrough lhe wall, albeil slowly
and painfully. For every 1fool a creature moves
lhrough lhe wa11,il musl spend 4 feel of movemenl.
Furlhermore, lhe firsllime a crealure enlers lhe wall
on a lurn or ends its lurn lhere, lhe crealure musl

make a Dexlerily saving throw. It takes 7d8 slashing
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
At Hil1her LeveIs. When you casllhis spe11using a
spe11slol of 71hleveior higher, boIh lypes of damage
increase by Id8 for each slollevel above 61h.

2nd-leveI abjuration
Casting Time: 1action
Range: Touch
Components: V,S, M(a pair of plalinum rings worlh aI
leasl 50 gp each, which you and lhe largel musl wear
for lhe duralion)
Duration: 1hour
This spell wards a willing crealure you louch and
creales a myslic conneclion belween you and lhe largel
unlillhe spell ends. While lhe largel is wilhin 60 feel of
you. il gains a +1 bonus lo ACand saving lhrows, and
il has resislance lo ali damage. AIso, each lime il lakes
damage, you lake lhe same amount of damage.
The spell ends ifyou drop lo Ohil poinls or ifyou
and lhe largel become separaled bymore lhan 60 feel.
It also ends if lhe spell is casl again on eilher oflhe
connecled crealures. Voucan also dismiss lhe spell
as an aclion.

3rd-Ievel transmutation (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 aclion
Range: 30 feel
Components: V,S, M(a shorl reed or piece ofslraw)
Duration: 24 hours
This spell granls up lo ten willing crealures you can see
wilhin range lhe abilily lo brealhe underwaler unlillhe
spell ends. Affecled crealures also relain lheir normal
mode ofrespiralion.

3rd-Ievel transmutation (ritual)
Casting Time: 1aclion
Range: 30 feel
Components: V,S, M(a piece of cork)
Duration: 1hour
This spell granls lhe abilily lo move across any Iiquid
surface-such as waler, acid, mud, snow, quicksand,
or lava-as ifil were harmless solid ground (crealures
crossing mollen lava can slilllake damage from lhe
heal). Up lo len willing crealures you can see wilhin
range gain lhis abilily for the duralion.
lfyou largel a crealure submerged in a Iiquid, the
spell carries lhe largello lhe surface of the liquid aI a
rale of 60 feel per round.

2nd-leveI conjuration
Casting Time: 1aclion
Range: 60 feel
Components: V,S, M(a bil ofspiderweb)
Duration: Concenlration, up to 1hour

PART.3 Pil
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