Player's handbook 5e pdf

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


0&0Lead Designers: Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford

P/aye,'s Handbaok Lead: jeremy Crawford
Rules Development: Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee
Writing: James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell
Editing: Michele Carter, Chris Sims, Scol! Fitzgerald Gray,
Christopher Perkins
Producer: Greg Bilsland

Art Directors: Kate Irwin, Dan Gelon, Jon Schindehette,
Mari Kolkowsky, Melissa Rapier, Shauna Narciso
Graphic Designers: Bree Heiss, Emi Tanji, Barry Craig
Cover IlIustrator: Tyler Jacobson
Interior IIlustrators: Steve Argyle, Tom Babbey, Daren Bader,
Drew Baker, Mark Behm, Eric Belisle, Christopher Bradley,
Noah Bradley, Sam Burley, Clint Cearley, Milivoj Ceran,
Sidharth Chaturvedi, Jedd Chevrier, jD, Allen Douglas,
Jesper Ejsing, Craig Elliott, Wayne England, Scott M. Fischer,
Randy Gallegos, Justin Gerard, Florian De Gesincourt, Lars
Grant-West, Jon Hodgson, Ralph Horsley, Lake Hurwitz,
Tyler Jacobson, Kekai Kotaki, Olly Lawson, Raphael Lübke,
Titus Lunter, Slawomir Maniak, Brynn Metheney, Aaran
Miller, Christopher Moeller, Mark Molnar, Scott Murphy,
William O'Connor, Hector Ortiz, David Palumbo, Alessandra
Pisa no, Claudio Pozas, Rob Rey, Wayne Reynolds, Aaron J.
Riley, Chris Seaman, Cynthia Sheppard, Craig J Spearing,
John Stanko, Matt Stawicki, Alex Stone, Thom Tenery, Cory
Trego-Erdner, Beth Tratt, Autumn Rain Turkel, jose Vega,
Tyler Walpole, Julian Kok Joon Wen, Richard Whitters, Eva
Widermann, Ben Wootten, Kieran Yanner

Additional Contributors: Kim Mohan, Mal! Sernel!,
Chris Dupuis, Tom LaPille, Richard Baker, Miranda Horner,
Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Steve Winter, Nina Hess,
Steve Townshend, Chris Youngs, Ben Petrisor, Tom Olsen

Project Management: Neil Shinkle, Kim Graham, John Hay
Production Services: Cynda Callaway, Brian Dumas,
Jefferson Dunlap, David Gershman, Anita Williams

Brand and Marketing: Nathan Stewart, Liz Schuh,
Chris Lindsay, Shelly Mazzanoble, Hilary Ross,
Laura Tommervik, Kim Lundstrom, Trevor Kidd

Based on the original game created by
E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson,
with Brian Blume, Rob Kuntz, james Ward, and Don Kaye
Drawing from further development by
j. Eric Holmes, Tom Moldvay, Frank Mentzer, Aaron Allston,
Harold Johnson, Roger E. Moore, David "Zeb" Cook, Ed
Greenwood, Tracy Hickman, Margaret Weis, Douglas Niles,
jeffGrubb, Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Keith Baker, Bill Slavicsek,
Andy Collins, and Rob Heinsoo

Playtesting provided by
over 175,000 fans of D&D. Thank you!
Additional consultation provided by
JeffGrubb, Kenneth Hite, Kevin Kulp, Robin Laws,
S. John Ross, the RPGPundit, Vincent Venturella, and Zak S.

In this fiery scene illustrated by Tyler
Jacobson, the fire giant King Snurre,
suffering no fools to live, calls his hell
hounds to join him in confronting
unwelcome guests in his home.

Disc/a;mer: W;zards afIne Coost;5nal responsible for the consequences of sp/itting up lhe parl'l,sliding oppendages in lhe maulh afQleering green devi/face, occepting a dirlrler ;"1';101;0"
iram bugbears,storminglheftas!hallofQhillg;ontsteading, angeringo dragon afeln)'",ariely,orsayingyes when lheDMasks. "Are you real/I' 5ure?"

620A9217000001 EN
ISBN: 978-0-7869-6560-
First Printing: August 2014



DUNGEONS & ORAGONS. 0&0, Wízards ofthe (oast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand.Player's Handbook. MonsterManual, DungeonMoste,'sGtúde, ali other Wizardsaf
the Caast praduct names, and their respective logos are trademarks arwizards ofthe Coast in lhe USA and other counlries. Ali characters and their distinctive likenesses are property
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Printed in the USA. @2014 Wizards or the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057.0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile.Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH.
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