Player's handbook 5e pdf

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

dropping too
abilitycheek, 7, 12, 173-179, 186
contest, 174
graup, 175
passive, 175
skills with different abilities
(variant), 175
working together, 175
ability modifier, 7, 13. 173
determining, 13, 173
table. 13, 173
ability seore, 7, 12-13, 173
custornizing (variant), 13
determining, 12-13
increase. See underracial traits
paint cosi lable, 13
slandard sei, 13
summary,12, 173
using, 173-179
AbilitySeore Improvement. See
specifrc ,Iouentries
abjuration, l' 5, 203
5chool (wizard). See under
arcane traditions
Abjuration Savan! (wizard), 115
Abjure Enemy (paladin). Set
underChannel Divinity paladin
abjurer, 115
Abyss. lhe.Seeplanes af existente
AC.SeeArmor Class
Acheron. Seeplanes of existenee
acid damage. Seedamage types
acolyte.See underbackground
Aeolyte ofNature (elerie), 62
Aerobaties (skill).See under
aetion, 189, 192-193
Attack aetion, 192
east a spell.Seeeasting a spell:
easting time
Dash action, 192
Disengage aetion, 192
Dodge aetion, 192
Help aetion, 192
Hide aetion, 192
improvising, 193
Ready aetion, 193
Search action, 193
Use an Objeet aetion, 193
Aetion Surge (fighter), 72
advancement. Seeundereharacter
advantage, 7, 173
adventure, 5, 7-8
See alsoadventuring
adventurer. Seecharaeter
adventuring, 181-187
adventuring gear, 148, 150-153
table, 150
age (eharacter). See specific roce
Agonizing Blast (warloek).See
eldritch invocatians
aHgnment, 122
of planes.Seeplanes of
existence: alignment of
Alter Memories (wizard), 117
ammunition (weapon property).
Seeweapon praperties
Animal Handling (skill).See undu
Arborea.Seeplanes of existence
Arcadia.Seeplanes of existenee
Arcana (skill).See under
Areane Charge (fighter), 75
areane magic, 205
See alsobard; martial
arehetypes: Eldritch Knight;
roguish arehetypes: Areane
Trickster; sorcerer; warlock;
Arcane Reeovery (wizard), 115
Arcane Tradition (wizard), 115
arcane traditions, 115-119
School of Abjuration, 115-116
School ofConjuration, 116
Sehool of Divination, 116-117
Sehool of Enehantment, 117
Sehool of Evoeation, 117-118
School af llIusion, 118
Sehool ofNecromancy, 118-
Sehool ofTransmutation, 119
Areane Trickster (rogue). Su unda
roguish archetypes
ArcaneWard (wizard), 115
Archdruid (druid), 67-68

Archery.See underfighting styles
Archfey, the (warlock).See under
otherworldly patrons
area of effect, 204-205
armor and shields, 144-146
barding, 155, 310
casting a spell in.Seecasting a
spell: in armor
getting into and out of, 146
Stealth. 144
table, 145
ArmorClass (AC), 7, 14, 144, 177
ArmorofShadows (warlock).See
eldriteh invocations
armor proficiency, 144
See olso specific c1QSSentries
Artificer's Lore (rock gnome), 37
Ascendant Step (warlock). See
eldritch invocations
Aspect of the Beasl (barbarian),
Assassin (rogue).See wnder
roguish archetypes
Assassinate (rogue), 97
Astral Plane.Seeplanes of
Athletics (skill).See under
attack of opportunity. See
opportunity attack
Attack aetion.See underaction
attack modifier, 14, 194
spell.See specific Spel/eosting
attack reli, 7. 14, 176, 177, 194
ability modifier, 194
Dexterity-based, 177, 194
modifiers to, 194
proficiency bonus, 194
rolling a 1, 194
rolling a 20, 194
spell.Seespell attack roll
Strength.based, 176, 194
Aura of Courage (paladin). 85
Aura of Devotion (paladin), 86
Aura of Proleetion (paladin), 85
Aura ofWarding (paladin), 87
automatic hit.Seeattack reli:
rolling a 20
automatic miss.Seeattack rell:
rolling a 1
Avatar of Battle (elerie), 63
Avenging Angel (paladin), 88
Awakened Mind (warlock), 1lO
background, 11, 12, 1]-14,
acolyte, 127
charlatan, 128
criminal. 129-130
eustomizing, 125-126
enlertainer, 130-131
equipment, 125
folk hero, 131-132
gladiator (variant), 131
guild artisan, 132-133
guild merchant (variant), 133
hermit, 134-135
languages. 125
noble, 135-136
noble knight (varianl), 136
outlander, 136-137
pirate (variant), 139
proficiencies, 125
sage, 137-138
sailor, 139
soldier, 140--141
spy (variant), 130
suggested characteristies, 125
Bad Reputation (pirate variant],
barbarian, 45, 46-50
primai paths. Seeprimai paths
quick build, 47
bard, 45, 51-55
eolleges.Seebard eolleges
quick build, 52
spelllist, 207
Bard College (bard), 54
bard colleges, 54-55
Col1ege of Lore, 54-55
College ofValor, 55
Bardie Inspiration (bard), 53-54
barding. Seeunder armor and
base aUack bonus. Seeproficiency
base save bonus. Seeproficiency
bat.Seecreature slatistics
Baule Magic (bard), 55
Battle Master (fighter).See wnder
martial archetypes

bear, bfack.Seecreature statisties
bear, brown.Seecreature statistics
Beastlands, lhe.Seeplanes of
Beast Master (ranger).See under
ranger archetypes
Beast Speech (warlock). See
eldritch invocations
Beast Spells (druid), 67
Beguiling Defenses (warlock), 109
Beguiling Influence (warlock).See
eldritch invocations
Bend Luek (sorcerer), 103
Benign Transposition (wizard), 116
Bestial Fury (ranger), 93
Bewitching Whispers (warlock).
Seeeldriteh invocalions
Blessed Healer (e1erie), 60
Blessings ofKnowledge (e1erie), 59
Blessing ofthe Trickster (c1eric), 63
blinded. Seeconditions
Blindsense (rogue), 96
blindsignt, 183
bludgeoning damage. Seedamage
boar.Seecreature statistics
bonds. Seepersonality
bonus, 7
bonus aetion, 189
See olsoeasting a spell; casting
Book of Ancient Seerets (warlock).
Seeeldriteh invocations
Book ofSnadows (warlock), 108
Border Etnereal.Seeplanes of
Brave (haIAing), 28
breaking concentration. See
Breath ofWinter (monk).See
Elemental Disciplines
Breath Weapon (dragonborn), 34
bright Iignt.Seelight
bringing back the dead.See under
Brutal CriticaI (barbarian), 49
buli rush.Seeshoving
By Popular Demand (entertainer),
Bytopia.Seeplanes of existence
Calishite. Seehuman ethnieities
campaign, 5, 6
cantrips, 201
See Q/soSpel1casting: bard;
c1eric; druid; fighter, Eldritch
Knight; rogue, Areane Trickster;
sorcerer; warlock; wizard
Carceri.Seeplanes of existence
Careful Spell (sorcerer). See
carrying capacity.See wnderIifting
and earrying
casting a spell, 201-205
area of effect, 204-205
at a higher levei, 201
attack rolt, 205
casting time, 202
eombining effeets, 205
components, 203
duration, 203-204
in armor, 201
range, 202-203
saving throw, 205
targeting, 204
See Q/so specific SpellcQsting
casting time.See undercasting
a spell
eat.Seecreature statistics
centipede, giant.Seecreature
Cnains of Carceri (warlock).See
eldritch invocations
Champion (fighter).See under
martial arcnetypes
Channel Oivinity (eleric), 58-59
multielassing andoSee under
Seeolso Channel Divinity eleric
options; Channel Divinity
paladin options
Channel Divinity eleric options,
Charm Animais and Plants
(Nature Domain), 62
Cloak ofShadows (Triekery
doma in), 63
Destroy Undead, 59
Destructive Wrath (Tempest
Guided Strike (War domain). 63
lnvoke Duplieity (Triekery

Knowledge ofthe Ages
(Knowledge domain), 59
Preserve Ufe (Ufe domain), 60
Radianee oflne Dawn (Ught
Read Thougnls (Knowledge
Turn Undead, 59
War God's Blessing (War
doma in), 63
Channel Divinity paladin options,
Abjure Enemy (Oath of
Nalure's Wrath (Oath ofthe
Saered Weapon (Oath of
Turn the Faithless (Oatll of the
Turn the Unholy (Oath of
Vow of Enmity (Oatn of
chaotic evil.Seealignment
chaotic goOO.Seealignment
chaotic neutral.Seealignment
character, 5,11-15
advancement, 15
age.See speeific rQce entries
alignment. Seealignment
crealing a, 11-15
deseribing your, 13-14
equipping your, 14, 125,
height and weight, 121
name, 121.See 0/$0 speeific roce
personality. Seepersonality
sex and gender, 121
charaeter sheet, 11, 317-319
Charisma, 12, 178-179
checks, 178-179
Deception, 178
Intimidation, 179
Performance, 179
Persuasion, 179
eharlatan. See underbackground
Charm Animais and plants
(elerie).See underChannel
Divinity elerie options
eharmed. Seeconditions
eheck.Seeability cneck
Chondathan. Seehuman
Cirele Forms (druid), 69
(irele ofthe Land (druid).See
underdruid cireles
(irele ohhe Moon (druid). See
underdruid circles
Cirele Spells (druid). 68
Cily Seerets (urchin), 141
Cleansing Touch (pafadin), 85
Cloak ofShadows (eleric).See
wnder Channel Divinity eleric
choosing a, 11
features, 11, 15
proficiencies, 12
quick build, 11
See o/so $peeific closs en/ries
c1ear path to the target.See
casting a spel1: targeting
Clench ofthe North Wind (monk).
SeeElemental Disciplines
eleric, 45, 56-63
divine domains. Seedivine
quick build, 57
spelllist, 207-208
climbing.See undermovement
coinage, 143
cold damage. Seedamage types
College ofLore (bard).See undu
bard colleges
College ofValor (bard).See under
bard colleges
Colossus Slayer (ranger). See
Hunter's Prey
combat, 8, '&9-198
stepbystep, 189
underwater, 198
Comhat lnspiration (bard), 55
eombat round.Seetime: round
Combat Superiority (fighter), 73
Combat Wild Shape (druid), 69
combining spell effects.See
casting a spell: combining
Commander's Strike maneuver
(fighter). Seemaneuvers
Common. Seelanguage


eomponent, spell.spell: componentSIcasting a

Seea/so material pell
eomponent; som tie spell
component; verb I spell
concentration, 203-104
conditions, 290-2921
cone.Seearea of elfect
conjuration, 116, 20lschool (wizard). ee under
arcane tradilions
canjur.ation Savant 'Hizard),116
conjurer, 116
Constltution, 12, 17
c~ecks, 177 I
hlt points ando S~ points
conlainer capacity, 1.p3
contes!.See underabillty eheek
Controlled Chaos (strcerer), 103
Converting a spell si t to sorcery
points (sorcerer). SeeFont
of Magic
eopper pieee (cp) Seeoinage
Corona of Light (elec),61
Countercharm (bard , 54
eover, 196
crafting.Seedowntite activíty
crawling.See under ovement
Create Thrall (warlo k), 110
creating a character. See under
character I
creating spell slots (torcerer). See
Font of Magic ,
creature statistics, 304-311
criminal.See under ackground
Criminal Contact (c minal),129
~~~~~.a~i~~~'S~~6crea~re statisticscube.Seearea of e et
Cunning Action (ro e). 96
eurrent hit points. Sehit poinls:
Cuttmg Words (bar ,54-55
cylinder.Seearea af ffect
damage, 14, 196-197
at O hit points. ste underdeath
saving throws
damage resistance, 97
Damage Resistance (dragonborn),
damageroll, 14, 17,177,196
Dexterity-based, 77
spell, 196
Strength-based, 76
more than one t rget, 196
weapon, 14, 196
damage types, 196
damage vulnerabili ,197
Damaran. Seehum n ethnicities
Dampen Elements leric),62
Danger Sense (bar rian),48
Dark Delirium (war ck),109
dark elf.Seeelf
darkness. Seelighl
Dark One's Blessin (warlock),109
Dark One's Own L k (warlock),
darkvision, 183, 18
See o/so speeific ce entries
Dash aetion.De.SeeDifficulty C ssSeeWlUaction
bringing back th .See thespell
descriptionsfor aise dead,
reinearnate, res rredion,
revivify, true res rrection
deafened. Seecond tions
instant, 197
monsters and, 1
Death domain, 293
death saving throw ,197
damage at O hit oints, 197
rolling a 1 or 20 n,197
Death Strike (rogu ,97
Deception (skill). Se under
deep gnome.Seegome
Deep Speech. SeeI nguage
Defense.Seeunder ghting styles
Defensive Tacties { nger),93
DeAect Missiles ( nk), 78
dehydration. Seefo d and drink:
water requirem nts
deities, 293-299
Celtie, 297, 298
Dragonlance,2 3, 295
Eberron, 293, 2 6
Egyptian, 297- 8, 299
Forgotten Real s, 293, 294
Greek, 297, 298
Greyhawk, 293, 95

1 'OEX
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