Dungeon Master's Guide 5E

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

o1LLAIN^1 S METHODS d20 Methods

Methods 12 Murder (d10)
Agricultural devastation (d4) 1 Assassination
1 Blight 2 Cannibalism
2 Crop failure 3 Dismemberment
3 Drought 4 Drowning
4 Famine 5 Electrocution
2 Assault or beatings 6 Euthanasia (involuntary)
3 Bounty hunting or assassination 7 Disease
4 Captivity or coercion (d10) 8 Poisoning
1 Bribery 9 Stabbing
2 Enticement 10 Strangulation or suffocation
3 Eviction. 13 Neglect
4 Imprisonment 14 Politics (dG)
5 Kidnapping 1 Betrayal or treason
6 Legal intimidation 2 Conspiracy
7 Press gangs 3 Espionage or spying
8 Shackling 4 Genocide
9 Slavery 5 Oppression
10 Threats or harassment 6 Raising taxes
5 Confidence scams (d6) 15 Religion (d4)
1 Breach of contract 1 Curses
2 Cheating 2 Desecration
3 Fast talking 3 False gods
4 Fine print 4 Heresy or cults
5 Fraud or swindling 16 Stalking
6 Quackery or tricks 17 Theft or Property Crime (d10)
6 Defamation (d4) 1 Arson
1 Framing 2 Blackmail or extortion
2 Gossiping or slander 3 Burglary
3 Humiliation 4 Counterfeiting
4 Libel or insults 5 Highway robbery
7 Dueling 6 Looting
8 Execution (d8) 7 Mugging
1 Beheading 8 Poaching
2 Burnin g at the stake 9 Seizing property
3 Burying alive 10 Smuggling
4 Crucifixion 18 Torture (dG)
5 Drawing and quartering 1 Acid
6 Hanging 2 Blinding
7 Impalement 3 Branding
8 Sacrifice (li ving) 4 Racking
9 Impersonation or disguise 5 Thumbscrews
10 Lying or perj ury 6 Whipping

ll Magical mayhem (d8) (^19) Vice (d4)
1 H auntings 1 Adultery
2 Illusions 2 Drugs or alcohol
3 Infernal bargains 3 Gambling
4 Mind control 4 Seduction
5 Petrification 20 Warfare (d6)
6 Raising or animating the dead 1 Ambush
7 Summoning monsters 2 Invasion
8 Weather control 3 Massacre
4 Mercenaries
5 Rebellion
6 Terrorism


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