Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

(Nancy Kaufman) #1



Huge undead,
chaotic evil

Armor Class 14

Hit Points 297 (22dl2
+ 15 4)

Speed 40 ft., fly 40


22 (+6)


19 (+4)


24 (+7)

Saving Thr
ows Con + 13


6 (-2)


9 (-1)


8 (-1)

mage Resistances acid, cold , fire, lightning, th
unde r;

bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical

Damage Immunities necrotic, poison

Condition Immun
ities exhaustion, frighte ned, grappled,

, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained

Senses darkvision
120 ft., passive Perception 9


Challe nge 20 (25,0 00 XP)

Annihilating A ura. Any creat ure that starts
its turn within 30

feet of the nightwalker
must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution

saving throw or
take 14 (4d6) necrotic damage and grant the

nightwalker advantage on attack rolls
against it until the start

of the creature's
next turn. Undead are immune to this a ura.



T he Negative
Plane is a place of d arkness and death

anathe ma to all livin g things

. Yet there a re those who

would tap into its fell powe
r. to use its e nergy for s in ister

s. Most often, when s uch individua ls approac
h the

midnight r e a lm , they fi
nd they a re une qual to the task.

T hose not des troyed o
utright a re som etimes drawn in-

s ide the plane a nd replaced by nightwa lke
rs, te rrifyin g

undead creatures that
devour all life they encounter.

Mighty Sp awn

. One can reach the Negative Plane

from the Shadow fell, much in the sa me
way that it

is possible to st
e p from the Mate rial Plane into the

S hadowfell in a place where the barr
ier between the

planes is thin.

Stepping int
o the Negative Pla ne is tantamount to

suicide, s ince
the plane sucks the life and soul from

such audacious creatures and annihilates
them at

once. Those few w ho survive the e
ffort do so by sheer

luck or by harnessing some ra
re form of magic that

ts them against the hostile atmosphere. Th

d iscover, however, that they can't l eave as

as they arrived. For each
creatu re that enters the plane,

a nightwa lke r i s released
to take its place. In order for

a trapped creature to
escape, the released nightwalker

st be lured back to th e Negative P la ne
by offe rings of

life for i t to devou r. If the nightwalker is
destroyed, the

trapped cre ature has
no hope of escape.

Beings of Anti

  • Life. One can discern the nature of

creatures trapp
ed in the Negative Plane from the s ites

that nightwalk
ers frequent. Ge ne rally, a nightwalke r on

the Material Plane is attracted to
e lements of the world

associated with the creature res
pons ible for its cre ation.

Such in terest doesn't indicate
a willingness to engage

with the world; n ightwalkers exist to ma ke life e

and never
to serve living things.

ead Nature. A nightwalke r doesn't requir
e air,

food, drink, or s leep.

Eater. A creature reduced to 0 hit points from

dealt by the nightwalker d ies and can't be revived
by any means

short of a wish s pell


Multiattack. The nightwalker uses Enervat
ing Focus twice, or it

uses Enervati
ng Focus and Finger of Doom, if available.

Enervating Focus. Melee
Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15

ft. , one target. Hit: 28 (5d8 + 6) necrotic da
mage. The target

must succeed o n a
DC 21 Constit ut io n saving throw o r its hit

point maximum is reduced by an amount
equal to the necrotic

damage taken. This reduction lasts
until the target finishes a

long rest.

Finger of Doom (Rech
arge 6). The nightwalker points at one

creature it can see
within 300 feet ofit. The target must

succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw
o r t ake 26 (4dl2)

necrotic da mage
a nd become frightened until the e nd of the

nightwalker's next turn. While frig
htened in this way, the crea-

tu re is
also paralyzed. If a t arget's saving throw is successful

target is immune to the nightwalker's Finger of
Doom for

the next 24 hours.
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