(WallPaper) #1

contribution toward bringing about a better world, toward
creating a different order of reality. It is only at this point
the level of cause. Only those who have transcended the
of true compassion, which is awareness of a common bond
of shared mortality and immortality. At this deep level,
your healing influence is primarily based not on doingbut
on being. Everybody you come in contact with will be
emanate,whethertheyare consciousof it or not.When you
are fully present and people around you manifest
unconsciousbehavior, you won't feeltheneed toreact to it,
so you don't give it any reality. Your peace is so vast and
deepthatanythingthat isnot peacedisappearsintoitasifit
reaction. Animals, trees, flowers will feel your peace and
respond to it. You teach through being, through
demonstrating the peace of God. You become the "light of
the world,"anemanationofpureconsciousness,andso you
eliminate suffering on the level of cause. You eliminate


—forexample,by pointingout howtodisidentifyfromthe
mind,recognize unconsciouspatterns withinoneself,andso
on. But who you are is always a more vital teaching and a
morepowerful transformer of the world thanwhat yousay,
and more essential even than what you do. Furthermore, to
recognize the primacy ofBeing,and thus workon the level

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