this accursed place. A beacon to those seeking the missing
link or /ookingfor a way out.
- Th e Cartographer
When the characters arrive at one of these locations,
read the following boxed text to the playe rs:
Colossal spiked chains extend across the hellscape, their
links partially buried under the ash and large chunks of
masonry. Each broken chain is roughly a mile long.
Long ago, these giant chains tethered an abducted city
to Avernus. That city somehow tore free, leaving behind
its broken bonds and scattered chunks of masonry. The
chains are similar to the ones that bind Elturel.
Characters who examine a chain can tell that some in-
tense, supernatural force caused one or more of its links
to sunder. Although the cause of the damage can't be
ascertained, characters can conclude that breaking the
chains of Elturel is not beyond the realm of possibility.
Chain devils often make pilgrimages to these sites. The
first sundered chain the characters happen upon has a
chain devil named Zartar performing a ritual atop it.
Zartar believes that the sundered chain can bestow
great strength upon any chain devil that stands atop it
while chanting prayers to Asmodeus. The chain devil is
guarded by two bearded devils , Narg and Yangor. If the
characters make any noise near Zartar, they disturb the
chain devil's concentration, causing all three devils to
attack with fury.
showing up when you least expect it.
- The Cartographer
A traveling bazaar winds its way across Avernus- a
wandering menagerie of merchants, artisans, and mis-
fits who ply their respective trades and sell their wares
under the direction of Mahadi, a raks hasa that claims
Asmodeus as his patron.
Most merchants in the Wandering Emporium are in-
dentured to Mahadi's service until they pay off their soul
debts. ln many cases, the terms of repayment are vague
enough to keep them in Mahadi's employ for as long as
he deems them necessary to the operation of the Wan-
dering Emporium.
The characters could arrive at the Wandering Empo-
rium for one or more of the following reasons:
• The characters need supplies, weapons, or even an
infernal war machine.
• The characters need a safe place to rest and perhaps
get a good meal.
- The characters might have heard that they can sell
demon ichor to a crazed wizard in the Wander-
ing Emporium.
• The characters might have collected more soul coins
than they feel comfortable carrying and need a place
to spend them.
Mahadi the raksbasa (see the accompanying stat block)
appears as a wealthy merchant lord. Though extremely
powerful, Mahadi doesn't believe in taking unnecessary
risks, particularly in the Nine Hells where he can be
permanently slain. Mahadi acts as the eyes and ears of
Asmodeus in Avernus. As a deal broker and moderator,
he's privy to all manner of dealings that might otherwise
escape the attention of his patron.
In his role as the master of the Wandering Emporium,
Mahadi has received special dispensation from Asmo-
deus to travel freely between the Material Plane and the
Nine Hells to operate his business, as well as to pursue
information and broker contracts and other such ar-
rangements as needed.
Jn addition to managing the Wandering Emporium,
Mahadi is also the proprietor and host of Infernal Rap-
ture, a restaurant and spa. Since the establishment
exists within a demiplane, patrons can comfortably visit
it at any time. even while the caravan is on the move. As
long as they can pay for services rendered, guests need
not fear being trapped within, since Mahadi is very se-
rious about maintaining the contract between host and
guest. Each guest must agree to this formal arrange-
ment prior to gaining entrance.
Mahadi has a special collection of named soul coins,
each of which harbors the soul of an enemy the rak·
shasa vanquished in the past. Mahadi consults with
these souls individually, forcing them to provide insight
on all manner of subjects.
Outwardly, Mahadi presents himself as a charismatic
and gracious host. He makes each guest oflnfernal Rap-
ture feel as though they're the most important person in
all the planes of existence, catering to their every whim
and desire. While he is equally cordial to all guests of
the Wandering Emporium, those entering his establish-
ment fall under a special contract and therefore rank
most highly in his esteem.
Of course, guests leaving Infernal Rapture are ex-
pected to pay their bills in full prior to departure. If a