Barber Pricing. Burney charges 1 gp for eacb service
involving grooming. Burney can provide some small
amount of magic healing, but only does so for good-
aligned creatures, and at no cost.
If someone offers Burney a soul coin for any reason,
she looks extremely disappointed and turns it down.
She refuses even to touch one.
Fhet'Ahla, an amnizu (see page 228 for its stat block).
provides imps as couriers as well as a variety of spell-
casting services for transmitting information over long
distances. The more secure the means, however, the
more expensive the service. Additionally, Fhet'Ahla acts
as an exchange for soul coins, offering 100 gp in coins
or gemstones for each soul coin delivered, and can serve
as an official notary for the signing of in fernal contracts.
Fhet'Ahla failed a critical mission at some point in
the past and gained the disfavor of Asmodeus. As a
punishment, Asmodeus posted him with Mahadi. While
Fhet'Ahla doesn't owe Mahadi any kind of debt, he is on
the wrong side of Asmodeus and has no idea how many
centuries this service will last. The amnizu is also for-
bidde n from challenging Mahadi's authority in all mat-
ters pertaining to the operation of the Wandering Em-
porium or any other special assignments the rakshasa
receives from Asmodeus.
Delivery Pricing. Fhet'Ahla charges a single soul
coin for parcel deliveries weighing 5 pounds or less.
For a larger parcel (up to 50 pounds), he charges two
soul coins.
Notary Pricing. Fhet'Ahla charges a single soul coin
for notary services and collects a single soul coin for
exchanges that don't involve the soul of a celestial. If a
celestial is involved, he collects ten soul coins.
Elliach, a lawful evil human mage, collects and sells
flasks of demon ichor (see page 78). Exposure to de-
mon ichor has warped Elliach in the following ways:
• Elliach's arms have become tentacles with fingers at
the ends, increasing his reach by 5 feet.
• Elliach's ears sprouted wings and flew away. Con-
sequently, he is deaf. He relies on lip-reading and
hand gestures.
Elliach met Mabadi while on the run from debt col-
lectors. Mahadi saw the value in paying off Elliach's
debts and bringing him to Avernus to work in the Wan-
dering Emporium. Thought to be insane by many of the
other vendors, Elliach uses demon ichor in a host of
magical experiments, none of which seem to have the
intended results.
Demon Ichor Prices. Elliach sells demon ichor for
100 gp a flask and buys demon ichor for 25 gp a flask.
Z'neth is a bitter, old hobgoblin warlord who buys and
sells larvae (see chapter 2 of the Dungeon Master's
Guide for statistics). Mahadi facilitated Z'neth's rise
to power, helping hjm destroy entire kingdoms on the
Material Plane. Z'neth's conquests eventually caught the
eye of the mighty god Maglubiyet, who offered Z'neth
a command on the battlefields of Gehenna. Before he
could wrack up his first victory on that plane, however,
Mahadi collected on Z'neth's de bt and bore him away to
Avernus, where he languishes in obscurity, far from the
planar battlefield he had hoped to die on.
Z'neth procures larvae from yugoloths and sells them
at marked-up prices to hags and other interested buyers,
giving half his proceeds to Mahadi in exchange for food
and other necessities. Z'neth's wares are of little interest
to adventure rs. However, Z'neth is fond of using his prof-
its to hire assassins to kill Mahadi, which the rakshasa
finds endlessly amusing.
If the characters pay his establishment a visit, Z'neth
offers them nine soul coins (all he has) for Mahadi's
bead. Ageas spell prevents the hobgoblin from divulging
Mahadi's true form. Mahadi greets Z'neth's would-be
assassins w ith a smile and is more than happy to accept
Z'neth's soul coins as payment for goods and services at
his fine restaurant.
Larvae. At any given time, Z'neth has 2d6 larvae
trapped in cages. He charges one soul coin per larva.
This 450-foot-tall structure is mobile and therefore
doesn't appear on the poster map of Avernus or on map
3.1. From th is flying fortress, Zariel oversees the de-
fense of her infernal realm.
Attempting to infiltrate the fortress while it's on the
move proves lethal due to the hundreds of devils on-
board. While undergoing repairs and refueling at the
Stygian Dock (see page 123), Zariel and most of her
crew aren't present, leaving the fortress with a skeleton
crew that consists of the following hostile forces:
• An erinyes named Nariangela, who guards the bridge
on the command deck (the fortress's topmost deck)
• Eighteen bearded devils in plate armor (AC 18),
patrolling the lower decks in pairs
• Three bone devils, circling above the fortress
Characters can enter Zariel's flying fortress using any of
the following routes.
Characters capable of flight can enter the flying fortress
through an unlocked, 10-foot-square hatch on the flat
top of the flying fortress. The hatch is watched by the
bone devils that fly above the fortress and leads to a
corridor just outside the bridge on the command deck.
The corridor is not guarded while the flying fortress is
moored at the Stygian Dock.
Tiny hatches in the hull connect to 1-foot-diarneter
chutes that ascend to the vessel's command deck.
During battle, Zariel's imp couriers use these chutes to
enter and exit the flying fortress. Characters reduced to
Tiny size or in gaseous form can navigate these narrow