1 square = 5 feet
Tavern Deck
- Skadric Salakar (neutral evil human veteran), a lazy
Flaming Fist soldier who was suspended for a tenday
without pay for dereliction of duty
• Prynn Derringwhistle (lawful neutral Strongheart
halfiing commoner), a spectacles-wearing barnacle
scraper who likes to belt out old sea shanties
Aerith and Beldan (chaotic good drow), awkward and
inseparable twins who left the Underdark in search of
adventure on the surface
Amrik Vanthampur runs his own business out of the
Low Lantern with Laraelra's consent. Characters look-
ing for him are directed to area L6.
The following area descriptions are keyed to map 1.4.
Describe this area to the players as follows:
The main deck of the old ship features wooden steps
that climb to the forecastle and aftcastle, and another set
of stairs descending into the ship. A padlocked wooden
hatch fitted with windows acts as a skylight for the deck
below- the tavern proper, visible through the hatch's
glass panes. Four dead seagulls lie on the deck and two
ravens squawk at you from the crow's nest, a forty-foot
c limb up the ship's rigging.
Lounge Deck Guest Quarters
The ravens are two imps in shapechanged form. Thurst·
well Vanthampur (see page 34) uses the imps to keep
an eye on his brother, Amrik. The imps take malevolent
delight in killing any seagulls that happen by, and the
tavern staff can't figure out why the decks are always lit-
tered with seagull carcasses. A character who examines
a dead seagull and succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom (Medi-
cine) check ascertains that the bird was stung to death.
If the imps see Amrik leave the ship, they trail him to
make sure he isn't being followed. If they realize Amrik
is in danger, they swoop down to attack whoever ap-
pears to be threatening him. The imps otherwise avoid
combat and turn invisible to avoid capture or death.
This deck is littered with the corpses of ld4 dead
seagulls (see area L1 for more information). Hanging off
the end of the ship's bow is the green-paned lantern that
indicates the tavern is open for business. A staff member
crawls to the end of the bow to douse the lantern, refill it
with oil, and relight it at highsun every day.
On warm, clear nights, Laraelra moves tables, chairs,
and lanterns onto this deck so that clients can drink and
gamble under the stars.
The captain's wheel and rudder are gone, leaving holes
and empty fixtures where they used to be. As with area
L2, Laraelra sometimes moves tables, chairs, and lan-
terns onto this deck so that clients can be outdoors on
nights when the weather is nice.