Extraplanar travelers come to Avernus from time to
time. Such visitors include war profiteers looking to
get rich trading weapons and armor, mad wizards who
want to test their latest spells. clerics on missions from
their gods, treasure hunters searching for lost artifacts,
grim-faced merchants who deal in slaves, smugglers of
soul coins, and scholars seeking firsthand knowledge of
the machinations of the diabolical realms. Adventurers
come here to negotiate with powerful fiends, meddle
in the Blood War, and free poor souls trapped io the
Nine Hells.
By bringing Elturel to Avernus and potentially gaining a
choke hold on Baldur's Gate, Zariel aims to capture as
many evil mortals as she can, turn them into devils, and
swell the ranks of her battle-depleted legions. Through
Thavius Kreeg, Zariel found a way to exploit the gullible
nature of mortals by appealing to their need to follow
a leader who proclaims spiritual power. Because of
Kreeg, the residents of Elturel are bound by the Creed
Resolute to fight and die for Zariel in her endless war.
Io some ways, Zariel is a jewel in Asmodeus's crown- a
former angel, now an archdevil, in his infernal service.
Given her origin, Zariel has more than the normal share
of devils plotting to overthrow her, the first among them
being the pit fiend Bel. whom she displaced. By Asmode-
us's decree, Bel now serves Zariel as an advisor, though
the two can barely stand to be in each other's presence.
Despite the conflict within the diabolical ranks, Zariel
runs a tight ship and instills fear in her legions. Retri-
bution against those who attempt to betray her is swift
and terrible.
Souls are the most prized commodities in the Nine
Hells. The Blood War taxes Zariel's armies. so she must
ensure a fresh supply of souls as replacements. To this
end, Zariel looks for evildoers in the mortal realms who
can deliver more souls to her.
Whereas demons attack in disorganized mobs, relying on
shock and overwhelming numbers to carry the day, devils
organize into a basic unit called a legion. Each legion con·
tains one thousand devils organized as follows:
- 1 legion .. 10 cohorts, commanded by a legate
- 1 cohort• 10 lances, commanded by a signifier
- 1 lance• 10 devils, commanded by an optio
Ranks of miserable lemures and nupperibos compose the
base of dreg legions, while bearded devils and merregons
make up the bulk of regular legions. Each legion sports a
unique name, usually denoting its purpose and numerical
designation. Examples include the following: - 5th Infantry Legion, "Infernal Absolution"
- 13th Cavalry Legion, "Bel's Fury"
- 47th Dreg Legion, "Piteous Fodder"
Because devils can't simply walk out of Avernus and
step onto the Material Plane, they must rely on minions
such as cultists and evil wizards, who can contact them
and do their bidding in exchange for wealth and power.
A select group of devils and mortal followers who seek
to cause strife and destabilize harmonious communi-
ties serve as Zariel's chief corruptors. By funding evil
groups, making and distributing weapons, and causing
random acts of violence in the name of some enemy to
ignite the spark of war, devils swell the capacity for mor-
tals to commit acts of evil, corrupting souls by the thou-
sands and thus ensuring the legions of devils are full of
diabolic soldiers for the Blood War.
Under constant pressure from both the Abyss and her
infernal peers, Zariel and her high-ranking vassals work
to keep her armies constantly in the fight. Zariel's wrach
and pride have limits, however, and this offers her an
opportunity for redemption. Zariel has, in a twisted way,
achieved her dream as an angel- to fight face-to-face
against the demon hordes in the Blood War. But the bur-
den is a heavy one, and if given the chance, Zariel could
be convinced to set it aside, release Elturel, and return
to the light with a completely transformed perspective.
The hellscape of Avernus sits under hideous clouds
that obscure the vault of the sky, from which the occa-
sional meteor streaks before crashing into the ground.
Ambient light continually swells up from just below the
horizon as though lit by nine setting suns, yet no actual
celestial bodies fill the sky- no sun, moons. or stars.
This constant twilight makes it difficult for the denizens
of Avernus to track the passage of time.
The atmosphere reeks of brimstone and burning tar,
and hot gusts of wind shriek across the hellscape to
scour the land below. Sometimes these winds swirl into
immense sandstorms, which can strip flesh from bone
and plunge everything into darkness.
Biting flies, hellwasps, and blood-sucking stirges
patrol the air, hunting for any source of blood to feed on.
Swarms of them can grow so large that they blacken the
sky and deafen the ears with the sound of their wings.
On the ground, wandering bands of nupperibos-blind,
bloated castaways of the damned- move in the thou-
sands like living lakes of groaning flesh in their agoniz-
ing search for food. Bone fields, quicksand, bubbling tar
pits, lakes of lava, canyons of wailing souls, and salt Hats
made from the tears of the damned all await those who
wander the hellscape.
The River Styx courses through the Lower Planes,
frustrating every attempt to map it or predict its course.
Getting lost while sailing the Styx isn't the only danger
the river presents. Simply tasting or touching its waters
can shatter a creature's intellect and personality, as well
as strip away its memories. Certain fiends are immune
to the river's effects, but most creatures have no defense
against it.