Descent into Avernus

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Lulu's dreams lead the characters on a wild goose chase

to Haruman's Hill in search of the Sword of Zariel. Re-

alizing that the Bleeding Citadel isn't where she remem-

bers it, the hollyphant offers the characters a choice

of paths. Both paths eventually lead to the Bleeding

Citadel, but only through a combination of deal making,

daring, and dumb luck.

Diagram 3.2 (page 96) and diagram 3.3 (page

106) are flowcharts that show the two paths characters

can take through Avernus to reach the Bleeding Citadel:

the Path of Demons and the Path of Devils, respec-

tively. Neither is literally a "path," but rather a sequence

of locations that the characters must visit in order. If

the characters wander off these paths, use optional

encounters to pull them back (see "Other Locations,"

page 122, and ·'Roaming Encounter: Smiler the De-

filer," page 133 ).

Each encounter location tied to a path has a recom-

mended character level, as noted in diagram 3.2 or 3.3.

1f your group's average character level i s lower than the

recommended level of their destination, introduce some

random encounters or reroute them to another location

first to raise their level.

Allow characters the opportunity to explore locations

on the poster map of Avernus in any order they please,

or let them jump back and forth between the paths as

they see fit.




betrayed his mistress in battle.

- The Cartographer

Haruman's Hill is marked on map 3.1 (page 79).

When the characters arrive at this location, read or

paraphrase the following boxed text to the players:

Wrought iron trees line a trail that leads to the summit of
a steep hill. Anguished knights are impaled on the trees'
metal branches, their bodies writhing in torment as
bloated stirges feast on their blood.

Haruman. a human paladin of Helm. was one of Zari-

el's most devoted Hellriders. He crucified deserters to

Zariel's cause on "Coward's Way," a line of tortured

souls leading to this desolate hill. Each soul is pinned

to a barbed, metal tree. Inscriptions above their heads

attest that most of them were mortal knights who aban-

doned Zariel during her assault into Avernus. Flocks of

stirges buzz between the branches, feasting hungrily

on the screaming. crucified victims. The stirges attack

the characters only if they try to free the captives (see

"Haruman's Arrival," below). Roll 2d4 to determine the

number of attacking stirges.

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