pH Factors of Foods
This section was written for those who want to have a greater understanding
of why I recommend raw fruits and vegetables. This information becomes
particularly vital if you’re concerned about strokes or blood clotting.
Knowing the meaning of alkaline and acid, and their effects upon tissue, will
help you achieve vibrant health.
The pH factor is the measure of a chemical solution’s acidity versus its
alkalinity, on a scale of 0 (more acidic) to 14 (more alkaline). I recommend
that you buy litmus (pH) papers, and use them to test your body’s pH factor
on a daily basis. This will help you observe firsthand the reactions that foods
have on your body’s chemistry, since the primary thesis of this book is that
alkalization is the key to tissue regeneration.
To further understand the pH factors of foods and their relationship to
health, let’s back up a little and examine the very basics of life. This will
involve a little chemistry and physics, but will help you to better understand
the nature of things, including the processes of the body and the foods that
you eat.
First, everything in this universe is made from building materials. The
basic building materials of this universe are atoms, whereas the basic building
blocks of cells are amino acids. At first, an atom appears as a simple structure
—a nucleus (or center), made up of a proton, which is positively charged,
and, orbiting magnetically around this nucleus, a negatively-charged electron.
The number of electrons and protons that an element has will determine the
type of element that it is. Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, etc., are the
basic elements and building materials of life. Water, for example, without
which life could not exist, is simply two hydrogen atoms combined with one
oxygen atom (H 2 0).
Creation consists of opposites, and the movement of these opposites in
relationship to each other creates electromagnetic energy. Magnetism is where
opposites attract and likes repel. (If you have ever played with two or more
magnets, you know what fun it can be to move magnets with magnets, and
attract various materials to them.) Whether you know it or not, you too are
like a magnet, attracted to the opposite of yourself. This “magnetism” helps
you learn, and brings a balance to your experience in life.