The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1


Chemical Toxicity: Environmental, Hygiene, Household and Drug

If you know anyone with chemical or environmental toxicity, you know
firsthand the amount of suffering involved. I helped an individual who was
so chemically toxic that the very smell of gasoline fumes made her faint. We
have destroyed our home (Earth) with chemicals, and now it’s too late. We
can only stand by while the Earth detoxifies itself through many atmospheric
and land changes. This is one of the biggest disgraces in human history.

Similarly, our physical bodies are ravaged with disease, as cancer is now
climbing to one in every two males and one in every three females. That
means that half the population has cancer and most of these will probably die
from it. At the same time, the other half of the population is developing it.

The Natural Resources Defense Council relates that over 85,000 synthetic
chemicals are in commercial use today, many now known to cause cancer, as
well as damage to the brain, nervous system and reproductive systems. It is
estimated that human technology releases over 6,000,000,000 pounds of
chemicals into the environment every year. Whales and porpoises are
beaching themselves in ever greater numbers. Fish are dying everywhere, and
animals in the wild are developing cancer and birth deformities as never seen
before. What is it going to take for humans to awaken to this? Every single
individual, I don’t care how wealthy or intellectual, is ingesting over 120
pounds of chemicals each year, including over ten different pesticides each
day. Our immune systems cannot handle this level of insult to the body.


The list below consists mostly of carcinogens—or cancer-causing agents or
chemicals. These chemicals are ingested through the air we breathe, the foods
we eat, the water we drink, and the lotions, cosmetics, hair dyes, etc., that we
put on our skin.


These are compounds that dissolve things.

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