The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

wound would be healed in the next day or two. Remember that my goal was
to stop eating the oranges and live exclusively on air! But the problem was
that my energy levels became so high that I couldn’t stay in my body. I was
traveling “out of body” into some of the most magnificent worlds of God that
exist beyond the normal human experience. I felt like I merged with God,
leaving “me” behind. I became unlimited. I had no point of reference, as I
wanted or desired nothing. I was totally fulfilled. My love for God and all life
intensified beyond words. The difficulty was that I was young, physically,
and I was immature with this level of God realization. As I could not
communicate in this world anymore, especially with humans, I decided, for
survival’s sake, that I needed to “ground” myself and go on to teach others
about the tremendous healing power of raw foods and the unlimited
awareness that we each possess. So, after several years of living in remote
areas I moved back to “civilization.” I knew then that I wanted to dedicate my
life to helping others rejuvenate themselves and to teaching the beauty of God
to a world that starves for both.

Since that point I have opened several health food stores and become
degreed as a biochemist, naturopath, master herbalist and iridologist. I have
been teaching about God and vitality ever since, and traveling throughout the
world sharing with others the magic and secrets of health. I had a small clinic
in Portugal for a number of years and I represented the United States several
times in worldwide symposiums.

Twenty-five years ago I opened a health clinic that I still manage. Based
on my experiences I can tell you that there are no incurable diseases, only
incurable people. I have also spent many years working in emergency
medicine, which used to be one of my hobbies, and I have seen both
allopathic medicine and traditional (herbal) medicine in action. While
emergency medicine is fantastic, allopathic medicine, in general, kills
hundreds of thousands of people per year, while traditional medicine (or
botanical medicine) saves hundreds of thousands of lives per year. I invite
you to join me in learning and using God’s natural laws to heal and
rejuvenate yourself.

My work has been both inspired and supported by the work of Dr.
Bernard Jensen, a world-renowned healer and author of many outstanding
books (see Bibliography). Years ago, Dr. Jensen consulted me about his
wife’s health and we became instant friends. We immediately recognized a
spiritual bond, as we shared a similar passion for and commitment to a
mission of love and healing. The Detox Miracle Sourcebook reflects our

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